Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] have not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sometime in the afternoon I recovered a little , but I felt faint as I stood up , and realized I had not eaten anything all day .
2 I realized I had not told anybody where I was going .
3 I realised I had not mentioned Elsie at all , and I was glad .
4 When he crashed we 've not had anything replaced .
5 Anne , 33 , was first on the scene at Burnaby Dun , Yorks , after worried neighbours reported they had not seen the woman for some time .
6 A trip to the local agent found they had not got one in stock , but I managed to get one for a P6 car .
7 Lucien found he had not wanted to hear that .
8 On the Friday before the incident occurred he had not got home until three o'clock in the morning .
9 She added she had not seen a pewter mug with Ivy 's name on it in its usual place , but could not confirm it had been stolen until the house was straightened out .
10 The only survivor I interviewed who had not married and who had always worked , told me that she had only once been unemployed , for a period of 6 months , when she got a temporary job selling insurance .
11 Rain noticed he had not argued about Sabine Jourdain 's role in painting the Durances .
12 It might have continued like that for me too , if I had not needed a chat with my local breastfeeding counsellor and realised she had not asked for any payment .
13 But at her door he was told he could not see her , and he realized she had not forgiven him .
14 Sara admitted she had not played as well as expected in Spain where she and Gowers were second round casualties .
15 When an American rang the busy news-desk of City Radio 's ‘ Good Morning ’ show , the call was taken by a girl trainee who later tearfully admitted she had not thought to query the claim that the speaker was the Press Counsellor from the American embassy with a genuine news-bulletin .
16 Alarmed by the scale of public outrage over the attack , the Provisional Irish Republican Army accused the police of being more interested in protecting property than saving lives and claimed they had not wanted to hurt anyone .
17 He did not accept written excuses , read out in court , by some of the 21 offenders who claimed they had not seen warning signs until it was too late .
18 The presiding jury claimed they had not chosen her , as she alleged , but Elina Guimaraes , an 84-year-old former suffragette .
19 He claimed he had not heard of the Virgin Mary either .
20 He claimed he had not signed the document properly because , it having been given to him by a ‘ gentleman ’ , he was too nervous to do so .
21 The other two men were taller , one lanky , with slow flapping hands as he walked — ; Miranda guessed he had not lived in London long .
22 Out of sight , shielded by riot and revelry and now a quarter of a century older , lurks the poet who boasted he had not shown his young mug in Poor People : the sober laborious craftsman determined that his tone shall save everything .
23 Many of the questions did not encourage informative or useful replies and in these cases pupils discovered they had not thought of enough questions or areas for inquiry in the time allocated .
24 Sunlight reflected from a window among the palm trees to lance a sliver of dazzling light at our cockpit , then the reflection was gone and we were at sea level , engines screaming , and I fumbled for the camera , prayed it had not broken when it fell from the ceiling , and took another picture just before Maggot lifted the aircraft 's nose so that we swooped up and over the palm trees that edged the beach .
25 But the jury decided she had not endangered other people 's lives .
26 ‘ She confessed she had not meant to let me see it or sign it and said Joseph had promised to take it to America and sell it under her own name .
27 He opened pale , hurt eyes when Carrington told him not to take more drink excepting tea , and swore it had not entered his head .
28 But the reunion almost ended as soon as it started , for after chatting for a time and parting , Betty realised they had not exchanged phone numbers .
29 He thought she had not known of his feelings , until the night of the receiving of new candidates into the Fiana , at which Fergus , as its head , must preside .
30 Sheila was angry and said Mark had not been out of her care during the past fortnight and insisted she had not shaken him .
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