Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] be [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 For example , when Rome 's first sundial was brought to the city from Sicily in 263 BC , during the first Punic war , and was erected in the Forum it was inaccurate because it indicated the time appropriate to the place whence it came which was more than four degrees to the south .
2 He did not know how much had been paid but believed it was less than £50m .
3 And the London-based scientist said he believed it was more than a coincidence that the same colony seemed to have been affected by a second strain of the gizzard worm infection which killed 137 birds last year .
4 Major and Mrs Burrows knew she was more than capable of weighing up the pros and cons , and living with the consequences .
5 She knew she was more than human — a goddess , born for the eternal burn of love .
6 Nineteen and a half pounds , I thought they were more than that actually .
7 In fact , I felt he was more than ready to discuss male-female relations .
8 Then she saw the look of steely determination in his eyes and knew he was more than capable of it .
9 She 'd offered to lend him the money to have the bike fixed , and when he accepted she said , ‘ I 've broken something precious , have n't I ? ’ and knelt in the street among the bits of glass , looking up at him as if she understood it was more than a lamp she had smashed .
10 He could n't understand how his world had collapsed and although he said to himself , several times a day , that it was all the fault of the theatre , that sick , all-pervading fever that seemed to turn everyone foolish and mad , in his heart he knew it was more than that .
11 I tried to tell myself it was purely physical and you were just an object of desire , but I knew it was more than that . ’
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