Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Before he boarded the team coach for the Midlands , Ironside said : ‘ I never expected I would get my chance in the last game of the season .
2 Before he boarded the team coach for the Midlands , Ironside said : ‘ I never expected I would get my chance in the last game of the season .
3 " Whatever it cost I would face it . "
4 ‘ I was aware of players from both sides running towards me and I shouted I would clear it .
5 If he moved they would see him ; if he stayed still they would find him .
6 Athelstan promised he would do what he could and hoped to see her and her family as soon as possible .
7 Athelstan promised he would do something to help her and left quietly , the cope still round his shoulders , Crim jumping up and down in front of him all the way back to the church .
8 How alarmed you must have been to discover she was receiving secret messages from some mysterious adviser , who also promised he would arrange her escape from Godstowe !
9 And next year 's student , or even next term 's , perhaps , depending on how quick you do it , your conversations , what you 're doing now , once they 're transcribed and put onto disk would be very interesting , because we 'll have a disk from our St Mary 's students , transcribed , because Steve promised he would get them all transcribed .
10 She might have resented his calm assumption that she would prefer to holiday in England at another time , but now it seemed nothing would affect her serenity .
11 No doubt M. Chaillot agreed to my demand only because he imagined I would regard his acceptance of it as an incentive to call again .
12 The only thing that I noticed which would annoy me if I were a glider pilot was that , engine off , the propeller does have a habit of rotating slightly .
13 Nigel believed she would assume he had something incurable with a shade of film glamour to it — leukaemia , perhaps .
14 When the time came she would do what she could to help .
15 When Nora came she would get her to run up to the flat and root out that paste thing she 'd once bought on a whim at Selfridges .
16 We do not send you copies of every letter we write , minutes of every meeting we attend , etc because we assumed you would realise we were getting on with the job .
17 The way Greg was playing in 1986 , it seemed everything would come his way .
18 ‘ When Mrs Howard asked for an escort , I naturally assumed we would assign her one of our own people .
19 Alice 's voice held genuine regret , for although she had never thought Madeleine the right girl for Harry , she would have done anything possible to forward a marriage between them if she truly believed it would make him happy .
20 In future , she would not go looking for love , or trying to manufacture it out of other lesser emotions , but she still believed it would find her one day .
21 Lord Mackay , who like other party spokesman said he was speaking personally , added he would determine his own position after hearing the full debate .
22 ‘ Dad used to threaten that if he misbehaved he would put our heads in the sink and turn the tap on , but he never did , ’ she says .
23 She estimated it would take her 11 years to pay off the debt .
24 For a moment it seemed he would hit him , then the violence passed from his face and his arms relaxed .
25 When he was enthusiastic about a subject , and I imagined he would turn his back on anything about which he could not enthuse , he leant forward on his bar stool , his thigh beating against it .
26 Marc was saying , ‘ When I gave you that place on your twenty-first birthday , Peter , I foolishly imagined it would help you settle down as you seemed to have no idea what you wanted to do with your life .
27 Some lay eggs among the stones , so camouflaged you would mistake them for the rocks themselves .
28 Although she bet she would like him .
29 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
30 When he looked away , she realised she would lose him for ever .
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