Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] been [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
2 Had I been a few feet nearer the bomb I should have been blown to pieces — had I been a few feet further away I should have been cut to pieces by shrapnel .
3 Had she been a complete fool ? she wondered .
4 Had she been a foreign agent , she could not have done it better .
5 Had there been a genuine sense of Arabism during the post-war period , Aziz went on , then the Gulf States would not only have cancelled Iraq 's debts , but would also have organized a comprehensive Iraqi reconstruction plan .
6 On talking to parents , we were told that had there been a suitable provision in their own country they would not be in Budapest .
7 It is just conceivable that something like this might have happened had there been a Communist government in France .
8 One senior official of the European Commission said recently that , had there been a common Community defence policy , it would have committed forces to the Gulf .
9 We can only speculate on what might have been had there been a full-hearted commitment to PR and a working agreement with the Lib Dems .
10 Never before had there been so savage a fiscal squeeze ; not since the thirties had there been a comparable increase in unemployment , now approaching 3 million .
11 The " vast majority " of such attacks , however , had been committed by local groups based in Turkey , Greece , Lebanon and Peru , with no known links to Iraq ; in only one attack , in Manila on Jan. 19 [ see p. 37938 ] , had there been a direct connection with the Iraqi government .
12 Can we imagine , for instance , that rulers could effectively have articulated their image through Christ , had there been no religious feeling in society as a whole to which appeal could be made , when they projected the Christ-image of rule ?
13 This has made it difficult for Britain to compete on the world market , and this in turn has eventually led to a worse slump and level of unemployment than would otherwise have been the case had there been no political intervention in the working of the naturally self-regulating free economy of the market .
14 He could only have been chosen had there been no other credible candidate , and Baldwin 's performance from the date of the Carlton Club meeting forward had destroyed this possibility .
15 On the other hand there is much reason to suppose that , had there been no major threat to the Eurasian balance of power , trade and other economic differences would have been the most prominent issue , particularly if those in the United States who favoured multilateral and freer trade had gained sufficient backing for their policies at home .
16 No doubt the proposition : ‘ Had there been no Siberian sable , there would have been no Muscovite empire ’ , is somewhat fanciful , but there is no gainsaying metropolitan Russia 's early economic dependence on the resources of her Siberian possessions .
17 Furthermore the sheer intensity and persistence of American pressure on Britain hardly suggests that Eisenhower 's policy would have been very different had there been no presidential election at the beginning of November .
18 Gollancz held that " had there been no Left Book Club there would have been no Bridgwater " .
19 Mr McTear , 48 , claims that he would not have started smoking in the mid-1960s had there been the present-day health warnings .
20 Only once , last autumn , had there been an unnerving lift , a well-dressed man in a Mercedes , who had wanted Luke to drive on towards Devon with him , had offered him dinner and a night at a hotel , had put his hand high up on Luke 's thigh , and been altogether menacing .
21 Had he been an ordinary shop assistant it would not have done at all .
22 Had it been a total shock to you or had you suspected anything ? ’
23 Had it been a good flight ?
24 Had it been a real train the sound would have faded off towards the west — away from the hostel instead , and we could now hear the engine as well ; it came towards the hostel over the non-existent harbour branch and clattered to a stop , perhaps at one of the wharves .
25 Had it been a professional job all that would matter from your point of view would be that you followed their instructions and moved at their pace with my help .
26 Had it been a single pilot operation , the need to fly IFR would have resulted in a very tired individual .
27 Had it been a different matter I would of course have asked your permission .
28 Johnson , contradicting him , took him from the particular belief to the general likelihood : from the possibility of a singular holy place to the generic derivation from water : ‘ Had it been an accidental name , the similarity between it and Anaitis might have had something in it ; but it turns out to be a mere physiological name . ’
29 Even had it been the best apple tree anyone could knit I can not see that I would hang swing tickets on it ( so badly coloured with felt tip pen that the Infant 's class would be ashamed of the work ! ) .
30 Had it been the other way round , and I was experiencing an Anglican church for the first time , the shock might have been even greater .
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