Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He realized I 'd be knocked out and did his utmost to persuade me it was all for the best . ’
2 If I fainted I 'd be rushed to hospital in an ambulance and they 'd summon Mum and Dad and as soon as I 'd got better they 'd start about Exams and Re-sits and Careers .
3 He also told Miss Slater , then 25 , that he had set up an electrical circuit to the box and if she moved she would be electrocuted .
4 From time immemorial it was a commonly held belief in Gaelic Scotland that where a disease occurred there would be found growing in the locality of its prevalence a plant which would cure that disease .
5 The Government would not stand in the way of a united Ireland provided it could be negotiated by democratic and peaceful means .
6 He signed the despatch with his name and rank , then handed it to Blasendorf who promised it would be delivered as swiftly as his horses could cross country .
7 Acknowledging that yesterday 's inflation figure of 7.6 per cent was ‘ far too high ’ for a Conservative government , she promised it would be brought down again .
8 Britain 's role as Kingston described it could be called that of a peace-keeping force , and his stones of intrigue and skirmish are punctuated by anti-war sentiments .
9 All that had happened was that her safe shell was broken and if it ever healed it would be filled inside with sadness .
10 ‘ to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by that person or another ’ If this point is charged or reported it may be proved by the officer in the case questioning the offender on the lines of : ‘ Did you intend to provoke the Notown football supporters into violence ?
11 When such practice first occurred it could be justified .
12 This was more a psychological war of attrition than a physical threat , but it was on just such an occasion that we used what might be called our only " weapons " — a couple of pairs of plastic , luminous , blood-shot eyes which I had picked up in an American novelty store over Halloween .
13 The crucial column is the derived total of offers made which can be compared with the maximum number to be made as a measure of the field 's fullness .
14 Now in the same way over the four years when you are in overall control of the Council you suggested that Conservative money , the of council tax to pay for public transport but you never spent all the money on public transport , instead of which you on as you admitted which will be used in other directions but your last budget
15 I never really believed I would be acquitted , although I am innocent . ’
16 ‘ You assumed I 'd be disgusted , and when I pretended to be you were thrilled . ’
17 If he imagined she would be disgusted by the idea he was wrong .
18 In fact there appears to be no doubt that Stalin simply resented the independence that the Yugoslav leaders were displaying and believed they could be brought to heel as easily as communist leaders in other parts of Eastern Europe .
19 The men who were acquitted , Danial Winter , who 's 19 , and Wisdom Smith , who 's also 19 , had nothing to say after the judge directed they should be found not guilty .
20 The airfield was then inspected on foot by the six officers following which all were in agreement that conditions were far from satisfactory and McGuinness advised they should be prepared for accidents and possible aircraft losses .
21 The element of the image which suggests that as a matter of principled obligation all members of a group rushed to the aid of , say , an aggressive and irresponsible cattle-thief or rapist , may therefore be the product of the practical consideration that men related to an offender prudently assumed they would be held collectively responsible for his actions .
22 He still had relatives in Newcastle , but had been unable to visit them because he believed he would be arrested .
23 Hodge and those around him believed Syngman Rhee should be encouraged and believed he could be controlled ; they were later to regret having aided Rhee 's ambitions to the extent that they had done when they found themselves exposed to Rhee 's mordant censure .
24 In a statement released yesterday the finance minister , Theo Waigel , said the agreement would have positive effects on the financial market , and he believed it would be judged positively by the Bundesbank .
25 And to aid his cause Ferguson is close to boosting his already substantial cash kitty by £800,000 with the sale of Neil Webb back to Nottingham Forest poised He could be followed out of Old Trafford by other top internationals , because Ferguson is also ready to offer Wednesday players plus cash for 24-year-old Hirst .
26 If a document was issued or received it would be filed in the appropriate place in Nigel Couville 's kingdom .
27 Just when it seemed he would be evicted by his collection , the flat immediately above became available , so he took it and started collecting all over again .
28 It is very quick and easy to recall a menu and once recalled it can be printed .
29 If not , the defendant driver can be seen later and told he will be reported .
30 Furthermore , he added what would be construed as an ultimatum but couched in the nicest possible terms .
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