Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [coord] [vb past] with " in BNC.

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1 For various reasons they were wrong ; but illusion of continuity was easily available because they had at least some of their kinsmen at close quarters , met them and socialized with them each day .
2 My son , Robyn visited me and peered with a concerned , academic interest , and we came closer together than ever before .
3 The house owner found it and ran with it to the boat . ’
4 A Briton known to leaders of a charity based in Northampton discovered them and fled with them to the relative safety of Split .
5 The last I heard of Ralph Horton was when Dave chucked him and went with Ken Pitt . ’
6 She saw him and turned with a finger to her lips .
7 But the good-night was not as definite as it sounded and Fritz , cowed though he was , knew it and walked with Erika to her bus-stop and waited with her in the cold until the bus did trundle along , and even then he made an attempt to get on it with her , a ploy which , with a deft use of her elbow , Erika foiled , leaving him standing at the bus-stop ; a lonely rejected youth , bowed as with the sorrows of all the world — and yet irresistibly comic .
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