Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [art] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years .
2 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
3 You got me a ticket but I did n't go did I .
4 Most of the people I went with took mountain bikes and they envied me the Pioneer as I sped along with far less effort that they had to use .
5 ‘ They made me a general 'cause I 'm old .
6 I mean in in the midweek game against us he had very little play and then he produced one ball that got them an equalizer and I suppose that 's what Frank would look for now .
7 He passed me a map and a brochure he had picked up at the hotel .
8 He passed me a note that was propped behind a bottle of Long John .
9 Ordering fresh coffee from the waitress who came to take my order , he passed me the Guardian and picked up the Sun .
10 When I first went in for forensic medicine he used me a lot and I got a great deal of experience I would n't otherwise have had because he was never too proud to ask for a specialist opinion .
11 In 1238 Alexander III 's father promised me the crown but then he married again and begat Alexander , the third of that name , and the up was dashed from my lips .
12 When thou gavest them the rod and
13 In the meantime , however , those long horns had become undesirable : drovers and slaughterers found them a nuisance and they compounded the drawbacks that had already become apparent in Bakewell 's breed .
14 Mrs Lennox found them a pail and a large enamel container .
15 Yes , and he did say when he phoned me a night or two ago that you might
16 Based on the idea of a cliche , an often repeated phrase is n't it oh it cost me an arm and a leg , erm which is n't meant to be taken literally .
17 When you say it cost me an arm and a leg , you 're thinking in word pictures if you like it 's a metaphor and er in the in the picture it 's by the er Long John by the Long John Silver figure having not only one leg , but also one arm as well .
18 it cost them a bomb that did
19 And the employees pronounced them a success and a valuable source of information about the take home trade .
20 Yet at the age of forty he still regarded himself a failure because his mother had projected on to him her anxieties to such an extent that he never felt he matched up to her expectation of him .
21 I if I say it cost you an arm and a leg ?
22 They charged you a fortune and left you with nothing but a hopelessly constricting grid .
23 Do you remember I phoned you a week or two ago about some books I wanted ?
24 It was to her own surprise that Muriel Box , the director of 14 modest budget feature films between 1951 and 1964 , found herself an inspiration and a role model for a new generation of women film-makers , critics and students .
25 When he first started to air his views on intensive farming methods they labelled him a crank and hoped he would go away .
26 He praised his wife Wyn who visited him every day and held his hand as he was treated in three different hospitals .
27 This time Endill drew him a map and pointed out the quickest route back to the main corridor .
28 But Wilson had been immeasurably kind to him , found a place for a very square peg in his government and , in 1967 , when he no longer had room in his government for Wigg , created him a peer and was at pains to find him a suitable job as chairman of the Horserace Betting Levy Board .
29 Dudley , after years of trying to get redress by law , went off to the Continent in a huff ( and a fancy woman ) where the Emperor created him a duke and overlooked the fancy woman .
30 There were those who found him an oddity and some who were repelled by his right-wing and reactionary views .
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