Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You got them lovely red berries
2 Tony was one of the undoubted stars of the review and became my invaluable right-hand man .
3 OBSESSIVE ‘ It became my personal obsessive battle cry , ’ wrote Mr Marshall .
4 He asked my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Health whether he was prepared to measure the success by the simple test of whether the trusts did more or less work for the national health service .
5 Her perfect Cupid's-bow mouth , more used to curving in a heart-stopping smile , pursed , and concern clouded her large blue eyes .
6 In the National Young Athletes League , Liverpool Harriers maintained their five-year unbeaten record with a 40 point victory over Middlesbrough .
7 He also began to assert that capitalism would be able to survive class struggles in Europe while it retained its powerful economic base in the colonies .
8 The new document radically altered the state 's administrative structure and enshrined the market-orientated economic reforms undertaken since the mid-1980s , while ensuring that the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam ( CPV ) retained its leading political role .
9 The 17 year old Yugoslav retained her French Open title and her world No 1 ranking .
10 Mr Young looked bored , as if he had tired of the subject a long time ago , but his wife retained her sweet comforting expression without any visible effort .
11 The Slovenes were under Austrian/German rule for most of their long history , from the Middle Ages until the twentieth century , yet they retained their distinct Slav culture ; their national revival in the nineteenth century could draw on a rich cultural heritage .
12 These morphological changes may be interpreted functionally in dietary terms as a change to a diet with hard fruit as the main constituent , and this may be related in turn to the drier and more seasonal environments they lived in , but as there was little change in their postcranial skeletons it is likely that they retained their ancestral arboreal locomotor pattern .
13 When the turn of the modern bogie cars came to be repainted , they took the numbers 375–399 and retained their colourful enamelled iron advertisements .
14 The refrigerator hummed its usual little tune to break the silence and Donna drank her coffee .
15 She narrowed her hard blue eyes .
16 Mola found himself commanding difficult campaigns in northern Spain and was damaged by the Carlist connections about which he himself felt uneasy .
17 Patients kept a detailed record of their food consumption over a three day period before their first follow up appointment in the maintenance phase of the study and also described their normal physical activity .
18 Abolitionists underlined their familiar moral attack and claimed the unacceptability of ownership of another human being as the basis for Buxton 's wish to free slave children .
19 Isabel hurled the pile of blue velvet across the bed and snatched her old grey dress from Ellen 's slackened grasp .
20 Suddenly , it growled at her , bent its great shaggy head , picked up the carcass in bloody jaws and padded away to settle on the grass , paws holding the meat down while it tore the flesh with its teeth .
21 In this decade , Glasgow held a Grand Bazaar and the first ever exhibition of deaf art ; it also built its new deaf centre , had a flourishing soccer team and staged the first soccer international between Scotland and England .
22 ‘ The wild duck wherries to the distant flood … ''Whizz goes the peewit o'er the ploughman 's team/ with many a whew and whirl and sudden scream … ’ 'A sedge bird built its little benty nest/ close by the meadow-pool and wooden brig … ’
23 He said Washington decided against helping the rebels because they refused to hand over General Noriega and because the US doubted their democratic good faith .
24 We found its tangy citrussy flavour disappeared very quickly .
25 Instead they built their handsome new town with its wide tree-lined boulevards , outside the city walls .
26 And as his fingers fondled her gorgeous nether cheeks , so his kisses became more and more intimate .
27 English supply ships once more failed to keep up with the advance of the troops , and the Scots pursued their usual diversionary tactic of raiding into England .
28 I regarded her thin obstinate face and knew she believed to her determined soul in what she said .
29 But recent analysis of leading brands found their average fat level was 25% , compared with 22% in regular sausages .
30 Margaret Wynne Nevinson , an active feminist , who was a member of a school management committee for twenty-five years and who also served as a Poor Law Guardian , found her fellow male Guardians actively hostile .
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