Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [conj] say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Cherry stopped him and said what you doing she said George this old man he 's said I 'm going to give this to the manager like he said because I 've been brought all these trolleys back .
2 We drove all the way down in the snow but they caught us and said we could n't have them ; not surprisingly I suppose . ’
3 ‘ She phoned me after you interviewed her and said she guessed you 'd found out about the affair — to warn me .
4 ‘ I telephoned her and said I was sure he — Philip — was Liam Shakespeare , and she came racing here from London . ’
5 My husband blamed me and said I was infertile .
6 Then Mum thanked them and said she would pay them later for their trouble and invited them to the funeral .
7 Cynics might doubt his commitment to social security , as he introduced himself as the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry ( his previous job ) , but in his usual good-humoured style , Frank Field simply thanked him and said they would recommend him to Downing Street for a new job because of his social security knowledge .
8 Dad thanked him and said he would return for the bed after he 'd wheeled the instrument to our house .
9 Was n't he totally different from the boys who had fumblingly and rather horridly and wetly , she thought , kissed her and said they quite fancied her ?
10 ‘ His US lawyer contacted ours and said he wanted to swop our daughter for a guarantee that he would n't be arrested !
11 ‘ And I auditioned and was given the stage role , but I think Michael Crawford called them and said he wanted it , and they ousted me .
12 My friend called me and said you 'd been to see him and were asking about a Russian cross .
13 I was involved with the show that was recorded at The Marquee and I think a few months after that he called me and said he was doing an album called ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ and did n't know where to get it mixed .
14 I cried after the girl had gone and he seeing my distress and I explaining I feared your anger he put his arms around my neck and comforted me and said he was sure his real mother could not but love her sister and believe she had acted for the best .
15 ‘ The shop-owner rang me and said she would n't move until I had found her a house , ’ she explained .
16 Father Crispin examined him and said there was no sign of life . ’
17 ‘ Then yesterday , when I felt I was going to go mad if I did n't get something settled , I rang her and said I must see her privately . ’
18 They swallowed it and said they were charging me with handling stolen goods .
19 ‘ Coming back to Sara : she went to post a letter , took a little walk in the rain , heard nothing , saw nothing and said nothing about it because she felt silly — is that it , sir ? ’
20 Left them and said we left them and said
21 She was furious , denied everything and said her husband would be taking the matter up with my editor .
22 A popular legend grew up that quoted him as saying he would run over his own grandmother for the president .
23 The story quoted him as saying there was medical evidence which showed that there had been abuse .
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