Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After the Portuguese mission left Abyssinia , Lebna Dengel found himself increasingly faced by the threat from the Muslim states of Ifat and of Adal , which included Harar , with which ever since the fourteenth century the Emperors of Abyssinia had been intermittently at war ; these states were forever encroaching on the eastern borders of the empire in a war of raid and counter-raid .
2 He found himself unexpectedly touched by her simple assumption , the way she absolutely took it for granted , that he was innocent .
3 With a French father , a Norwegian mother , and a mainly English education , he found himself perpetually treated as an object of faintly mocking derision : a Frog at school , an Anglo-Saxon Milor on holiday in France , and some sort of raping and pillaging Viking everywhere .
4 Meanwhile , over in Soho , a bemused MARY MARY ( one-time Mary Byker and currently leading light in HYPERHEAD ) found himself completely surrounded by young Japanese girls all screaming wildly and shaking autograph books at him .
5 But his near-contemporary J. Chalmers , who had begun his apprenticeship in August 1900 , found himself still stuck at 14s in 1907 , when he was 21 years old , and over the next year or two his pay was usually between 23s and 27s a week : he seems never to have made it to 32s .
6 He was there on a Kodak sponsorship to cover a gruelling four-day Super Marathon through the Hoggar Mountains in Algeria , but he found himself constantly distracted by the staggering terrain that surrounded him .
7 Led the last stretches of the way by a guide using arcane local landmarks , they arrived at Dunvegan Castle in the later afternoon , and Johnson found himself much warmed by the reception .
8 Mr Piggott found himself quite dazzled by the warmth of her smile as she made for the door , and was unable to speak .
9 While North Korea found itself increasingly isolated by the momentous changes which occurred in Eastern Europe in 1989 , its relationship with China remained close [ for unofficial visit to Beijing by Kim Il Sung , politburo member Ho Dam and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam in November 1989 see p. 37041 ] .
10 Not since the Crimean War nearly a century earlier , when middle-class radicalism latched on to the opportunities for attacking the aristocratic Establishment in the name of efficient prosecution of the war , had pacifist opinion found itself so isolated in Britain .
11 An economy that had been virtually self-contained for 20 years after 1945 suddenly found itself severely tested by international competition .
12 But for me , soon after the operation , there occurred something so removed from anything I had ever experienced that I have never forgotten it .
13 Shortly afterwards Mrs Thatcher found herself similarly isolated in a one to 11 minority when the other heads of government endorsed a Declaration of Social Rights .
14 As the first night of the Hochhauser Season approached , Suzi Hoflin found herself increasingly torn between dread and a curious sense of wild exhilaration that was only partly to do with the excitement of appearing in a professional production .
15 Jessamy found herself rather intrigued by his admission .
16 Laura found herself repeatedly hurt by accusations in the press that they had become ‘ tax exiles ’ and tried to point out how the decision to live abroad had , on the contrary , been forced on them by their peripatetic lifestyle on the one hand and fear of punitive estate duty rates on the other .
17 A small fountain splashed musically in the centre , the clear water dazzling , and Maggie found herself almost stunned for the first time in many years .
18 She must have been driving more erratically than she thought for she found herself half skewed across the road .
19 Dr Sasaki shouted the name of the chief surgeon and rushed around to the man 's office and found him terribly cut by glass .
20 They took Rye and then attacked Winchelsea , but found it heavily defended by the Abbot of Battle .
21 The facilities start with a remote switch socket for connecting the optional FC6 foot controller , offering remote switching without tying up the MIDI in socket ( I tried the FC6 but found it more suited to a keyboard player , so would recommend a standard MIDI switching pedal ) .
22 As a result , the Conservatives found themselves badly defeated in 1945 .
23 Some of the 37,000 guests among investors , financial analysts and Disney employees found themselves temporarily stranded on Big Thunder Mountain as the power failed twice and a traffic jam caused by too many trains on the track meant the ride had to be reprogrammed .
24 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
25 The runners found themselves unfairly rebuked for the market-makers ' errors , and for their whimsical misquotes or bid-only quotes that could ruin a deal .
26 As British diplomats manoeuvred to protect extra-European spheres of influence against foreign rivals , they found themselves inexorably drawn into taking sides in the hardening alliance system on the European continent .
27 His anarchic , renegade spirit attracted those working-class boys who , on arriving at Hamilton Terrace , found themselves suddenly liberated from the limitations and conformity of their background .
28 Earlier Rangers had been thinking of survival rather than victory as for the third weekend in a row the Glasgow giants found themselves seriously threatened by a club from the bottom half of the table .
29 Listening to the first day 's proceedings , I found myself not transported into the future so much as revisiting the past .
30 Half of them in self-defence because I found myself so attracted to you .
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