Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 We half expected them to come back a few days later , but they have never returned to the barn we prepared so painstakingly for them , although they are still sometimes seen in the vicinity .
2 They asked me to set up a buffet for a press launch , then they said it was for me ! ’
3 And on this morning , of all mornings , James phoned at the crack of dawn and asked me to preside over a ridiculous Press party .
4 The patient 's requirement for frequent repetition of the Phosphorus led me to make up a 5ml dropper bottle as the stock bottle i.e. the LM granule dissolved in 5mls of water and alcohol instead of 100mls .
5 times of I mean , I actually think it 's a an awful lot of ask of a friendship , or of a family situation and also , indeed , if you I mean I think sometimes they can be very supportive but th the true understanding may not be there and erm I think that 's what led me to start up a self- help group in Edinburgh erm which is , has been erm running for the last two years now .
6 Mum got me to reach down a tall vase from the mantelshelf .
7 Hearing of this preliminary training for the Parachute Regiment at Hardwick made me think up an indelicate version of the famous old rhyme about that prodigy house , ‘ Hardwick Hall , more glass than wall ’ : ‘ Hardwick Hall , sore a — e when fall ’ .
8 I bet they asked them to fill in a form for it
9 SINGER Patty Smyth attacked two policeman after she caught them beating up a friend in New York .
10 Later we found them chatting over a game of Alma in the Railway Tavern .
11 The additional energy they enjoyed after following the diet for a few weeks helped them to take on a much more positive attitude towards life — I could sense a really happy attitude in the remarks on the questionnaires .
12 The keeper excelled himself to keep out an Elliott header , but he was stranded again in injury time when Loram fired in a precise 25yarder which went in off the post .
13 In seconds he found himself hovering over a group of them which swayed this way and that beneath him in the dark , not nice and firm like the dead branch set in his cage .
14 Twenty-five minutes later , as he climbed the steps of St Martin's-in-the-Field , he found himself offering up a little prayer , its sentiments not so very different from those of the carols this congregation would presently be singing .
15 Soon , he found himself standing over a young Dragoon who was lying on the ground .
16 The old stone walls closed about her , so that at times it seemed to be suffocatingly hot , and she found herself putting up a hand to her throat .
17 He found her walking along a path through the fields .
18 Lunch was set on the terrace , as he 'd promised , and Luce let him draw out a chair for her .
19 Another has been tested by P T Breuer ( 1991 ) , who used it to speed up a game playing program .
20 How he used it opened up a new realm for investigation .
21 Lipman 's column in the May issue was fetchingly entitled : ‘ I found myself weeping over an economy-sized box of tampons ’ .
22 He went to Italy on his own and eventually made himself pick up a girl in Rome , mostly for the sake of having someone to speak his new Italian to , but she thought his intense shyness some sort of perversion and kicked him out .
23 Rush , later to be carried off with what Mr Bonds termed a ‘ bad groin injury ’ , also had a shot turned aside by Flowers , who later flung himself to keep out a stinging shot by Allen .
24 At 8.30am on his first day on the job , Mr Lobov summoned senior officials in his ministry and told them to draw up a plan for re-establishing state control over the economy .
25 She told me to hang on a bit , and then I was talking to this David Kendrew bloke — the one on the programme — the one Mum 's always on about .
26 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
27 So I opened this one with practised diffidence … and , if it brought neither emotional nor financial reward , it caused me to dash off an angry — ‘ Disgusted , Centre for Policy on Ageing ’ — letter within the hour .
28 When our children say , as they all do , ‘ but my friends are all doing this ’ , parents invariably say , smartly , ‘ and if they told you to jump off a cliff , would you ? ’
29 The police advised her to take out a summons against her neighbours .
30 You ca n't escape the noise in these thin little flats , so maybe he 's lying in bed , staring in the dark , listening to the personal stereo I told him fell off a lorry last Christmas , letting reggae drown the sound of grown-ups talking .
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