Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [verb] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 I did n't see the new dog till it was nearly six months old and its mistress asked me to call to treat it for a slight attack of eczema .
2 But I realized I 'd said it so I tried to dig myself out the hole
3 The strap is a strong rubber one but I found I had to overtighten it at the surface , otherwise it became loose when my drysuit seal compressed at depth .
4 His tousled hair gave him an appealingly boyish appearance , and Robbie found herself aching to smooth it for him , to run her fingers over the dark stubble on his cheeks .
5 ‘ Labour thought they were going to win a point today — they were rather disappointed when they found they had got it completely wrong . ’
6 I almost caused an accident coming back from Bedford yesterday , there 's somebody in an X R three i right up my arse so I just coming onto the motorway , the M four to Bracknell and erm comes right up my arse and I had to come out cos there was this car coming on you know , from further up the the lane and it was coming on and I was already on , so I overtook it let it did to let it come out you know ?
7 The perusal of it swelled his heart with joy ; he found he had to read it twice , and the pleasure of its proclamation left him flushed from top to toe .
8 In fact I even found myself trying to diagnose it like an illness , analysing it in terms of location , sensation , modalities , concomitants . ’
9 All I needed was a little bit of luck and as I pressed , dry mouthed , along the empty street it seemed I had found it The shock when I saw the two burly SPs strolling towards me was like a blow but was immediately followed by a strange calm .
10 I 'd I 'd heard it was a mill .
11 She had a kind thought and she believed she 'd carried it through , and that 's not uncommon , with someone as sick as she was and in pain a lot of the time .
12 ‘ I assumed you 'd got it worked out somehow , ’ she murmurs .
13 He could n't hear her , but as that was what she always said , he assumed she 'd said it again .
14 He 'd he 'd done it all , he was happy enough then .
15 Jealousy was wildly in her eyes but if Felipe noticed he chose to ignore it .
16 With the egocentricity of all human creatures , exacerbated by my youth and misery I assumed that I was the cause and source of this lack of comfort and stirred myself to attempt to dispel it .
17 No I mean I opened but I forgot I had to switch it on .
18 Although for the reasons stated they have thought it inappropriate to discuss in detail the reasoning of the Court of Appeal , their conclusion on this question of procedure is fortified by the fact that all four judges in the local courts were of the same opinion .
19 Minton claimed he had sent it to an exhibition under the name ‘ Francis Smiling ’ and that one critic commented that Francis Smiling had been influenced by Minton 's colour .
20 When police approached Robert Francis , who was in possession of the caravan , he claimed he had bought it for £2,000 from a colleague .
21 He had been found asleep on the floor of a taxi outside a night club and claimed he had hired it for the evening as his bedroom .
22 Subsequently when I got back down and realised we 'd done it , and everyone had got off the mountain and no-one had been injured , I had an immense feeling of satisfaction , just of having stood there .
23 She said : ‘ I brushed past a girl as I went to the toilet and she yelled I 'd done it deliberately .
24 When I heard I 'd got it , I was stunned — I did n't think I 'd got it .
25 When screening began we agreed to discontinue it at the end of the first year if there were a number of traumatised families .
26 You heard her say turn it up .
27 The Indonesians wanted to start within a month , but Douglas-Hamilton and Child urged them to consider delaying it so that the army could do a pilot run and the local people could be better informed about what to expect .
28 I think these things were not common in those days and I was looking for someone who had great potential , and decided I 'd found it in David Bowie .
29 You lost that contest with my Sam because I decided you had to lose it .
30 We just decided we had to have it , ’ he says .
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