Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was one particular aspect to which all commentators drew their readers ' attention : his sensuality , referred to above .
2 Again all good schools already monitored their pupils ' progress , so how could one object ?
3 She went into the churchyard and found their parents ' grave .
4 Lest I be accused of caricaturing the West Indian family 's approach to its child 's education , let me add some tempering comments from sportsmen who found their parents ' blend of discipline and encouragement satisfactory .
5 A doctor found his patients ' interest in his electric wheelchair useful in this respect , and a social worker found that his guide dog helped : ‘ Even when there 's an awful atmosphere he 's wagging his tail .
6 On Feb. 7 Kaifu , Ishida and DSP chairman Keigo Ouchi announced their parties ' support for the candidacy of Hisanori Isomura , 61 , a television presenter and executive from the Japan Broadcasting Corp .
7 The news came as the Task Force announced its members ' implementation plans , and the list includes an impressive series of hardware and software vendors .
8 While her mother helped her choose the famous blue engagement suit which she bought from Harrods , she asked her sisters ' friend Anna Harvey , the fashion editor of Vogue magazine , for advice on building up her formal wardrobe .
9 Having enjoyed their own childhood and experienced their parents ' delight in them , they want to repeat the good experience from the position of parent , and have few fears about this .
10 ‘ They do n't mind so much now I 've got a few trophies in a case that they can show their friends and boast about it , ’ Carlos Francis recollected his parents ' change of posture after it became evident that he could make a career out of soccer .
11 It should be noted that the Court recognised our members ' concern about low pay and lack of career prospects .
12 During the visit , which came shortly after the 50th anniversary of the start of the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union ( " Operation Barbarossa " ) on June 22 , 1941 [ see pp. 4667-69 ] , both leaders confirmed their countries ' friendship .
13 Boyd borrowed his parents ' car , brought Johnson up to the family home in New Jersey , and charged his friends a dollar each to attend the impromptu concert .
14 In the course of visits to Prague , the Czechoslavakian capital , and Bratislava by French President François Mitterrand on Sept. 13-14 and by United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Sept. 16-18 , both leaders expressed their countries ' regret at having signed the 1938 Munich agreement , which had allowed Nazi Germany to dismember Czechoslovakia .
15 Roman portraits of public figures emphasised their subjects ' fitness to hold public office and their personal authority as heads of families .
16 Boro were due to play at Kelso , but declined their hosts ' request to play tonight .
17 On Radio 4 's Start the Week , Potter emphasised his characters ' aloneness — separated by passages where the writer does his directorial exercises .
18 She forgot about the taxi , and instead hurriedly dialled her parents ' number .
19 Violette , armed only with a sten sub-machine-gun , covered her companions ' retreat through standing corn for twenty minutes until she had no more ammunition , and was taken prisoner .
20 Six months later their two sons inherited their parents ' fortune as sole beneficiaries .
21 It failed , and the general purged the armed forces and created a power structure that strengthened his supporters ' hold on the military .
22 The journey had made her worse , and when she reached my parents ' house , she collapsed in pain on the settee , from where she was unable to get up .
23 The results , he added , vindicated their members ' concern about the reductions in public transport .
24 It was a minute to midnight when Joan and John reached her parents ' house as the bells were beginning to ring out the old year .
25 The second was that ‘ hypersensitive ’ Presley — scheduled to leave on a 10-city tour — feared his fans ' reaction to seeing him weighing more than 16st and out of condition .
26 Following this incident Richard Baxter took his friends ' advice and moved to Gloucester for his own safety .
27 He shared his parents ' bedroom and the old man and his widowed daughter slept in the other room with a blanket on a line dividing them .
28 He shared his pupils ' impatience with the history side but he was far too polite ever to express this prejudice in my presence — and he was pleased that there was somebody else in the department who was prepared to cover that part of the teaching .
29 A scientist who got his pilots ' licence just last week is off to Indonesia on an extraordinary mission .
30 Welcome back.A scientist who got his pilots ' licence just last week is off to Indonesia on an extraordinary mission .
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