Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun pl] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 When the CEGB agreed the hypotheses to be tested with the UCL geographers , every conceivable explanation had been included .
2 ‘ We consulted the maps to be sure . ’
3 A self-appointed leader , he made the rules without being explicit about them or even explaining that there were rules .
4 Nobody expected the pupils to be paragons of perfection The standards the principal expected of herself were a different matter entirely .
5 At that time most people expected the galaxies to be moving around quite randomly , and so expected to find as many blue-shifted spectra as red-shifted ones .
6 and Elizabeth asked the children to be quiet
7 Disagreement over the wording of the joint statement led the talks to be extended for a third day .
8 The PAN disputed the results after being awarded only three of the 20 seats in the Sinaloa Chamber of Deputies , and accused electoral officials of failing to recognize the victory of its candidate for mayor in Mazatlán .
9 When he provided the details to be entered in his Workbook , Joyce 's past career sounded as impressive as his future was promising .
10 Fellow councillor Margaret Crooks said it was clear the bombing had been an ‘ inside job ’ and she called for those who helped the bombers to be ostracised .
11 Conversation on the topic gave Flaubert a colique des wagons ; in June 1843 he pronounced the railways to be the third most boring subject imaginable after Mme Lafarge ( an arsenic poisoner ) and the death of the Duc d'Orleans ( killed in his carriage the previous year ) .
12 In sum : the classical law of trusts had already lost the advantage of capacity , but it retained the advantages of being bound to neither testamentary heir , nor form , nor formulary procedure .
13 They overwhelmingly reported the roads to be more difficult to cross than five years previously , the change being ascribed to increased volumes of traffic ( 89 per cent ) and faster traffic ( 28 per cent ) .
14 Palmer ( 1988 : 199 ) proposes that when followed by the to infinitive , verbs of perception function as verbs of reporting , so that He saw the children to be eating their lunch means " He reported the children to be eating their lunch " .
15 Nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact , but we found the substructures to be choked with debris fallen from above , including several more pieces of the poem and various richly carved capitals , cornices , and piers .
16 On my short acquaintance with Victorian Cichlids I found the males to be single-mindedly aggressive when breeding , but their harassment of tank-mates soon diminishes after spawning .
17 Clinton 's explanation for this brazen reversal of his campaign promises — that once elected he found the figures to be worse than he had thought — may be glibness on a heroic scale , yet the increases have the virtue of consistency with the rest of the package .
18 Note that there is no implication that this ‘ quality check ’ found the modules to be of particularly high quality : merely that they were fit for the purpose intended for the baseline .
19 At last some passed me with books ; I stopped them , and found the books to be Bibles : it was all clear now , they were going to a week-day preaching , and shortly after , as the road wound down a glen over a burn , I met the Free Church minister on his way to the place of meeting .
20 Even the Romans recognised the Greeks to be a leading culture and referred to their turn of wit and wisdom as Attica salt .
21 This reflects the pressures that caused the documents to be produced in the first place .
22 At that time a determined campaign backed by parents and many MPs of all parties caused the proposals to be dropped .
23 On a mixed farm , there would be a larger number of buildings for cattle , while on a pastoral farm the reduced need for waggon horses caused the stables to be small and there would be little accommodation for crops .
24 Then he replaced his white-and-gold helmet , caused the horns to be blown , and proceeded south once again with his army .
25 What caused the men to be so desperate to contact the Girls ?
26 He estimated the goods to be worth about £3,000 .
27 Vinnen , whose offensive smacked of anti-semitism in that it centred on the figure of Paul Cassirer and lambasted the critics for being in the service of speculators and dealers , called for a boycott on the purchase of non-German art .
28 Using this same loophole in The Jokers prevented the brothers from being charged .
29 The tank was still covered as I assumed the eggs to be light sensitive .
30 A notice declared the ruins to be a Dominican Priory .
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