Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] end [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Oh , yes , I know about the secret metal box she owned ; her turreted chamber at Blois with its magic mirror which told her the future ; and her employment of that terrible prophet Nostradamus who prophesied the end of the world .
2 Traffic passed the end of the alley , hut no-one came in .
3 The vehicle passed the end of the road but it did n't turn toward us .
4 He would closet himself with a bottle of port and a cigar or pipe , read the end of the previous instalment , and then write the next , drawing his fee when he handed over the text .
5 Swindon became the end of the line for east bound Inter City trains .
6 A statement issued by Bailey announced the end of the ‘ informal arrangement under which Tory rode most of the yard 's horses ’ .
7 He got the ends of the belt around his hands and wound them into a good , tight grip .
8 He knotted the end of the tie round the other side of the window .
9 He , too , sought the end of the 20 per cent .
10 He took off their opener keys and with gloved thumb and a pair of heavy pliers bent the ends with the tin-opening slot to right angles .
11 As he approached the end of the passage , Mungo could already see that the furthest room was in darkness .
12 He was subdued now , and his feet dragged as they approached the end of the bridge .
13 Were an heir under 18 years of age to accede , or the monarch to become mentally or physically incapacitated from acting , or were otherwise not available ‘ for some definite cause ’ , it would fall to a panel of high officers of state to declare a regency , in which event the person next in line would assume power until a further declaration signified the end of the regency .
14 The letters that signified the end of the message .
15 No longer would youth and its culture have such a power to affect society as it had had for those brief few years from 1963 to 1967 : although the sharp end of youth culture was confusing purchasing power with political power and demanding change , many of its constituents were caught by the freeze that , introduced the previous year , signified the end of the ten-year boom that had thrust youth into prominence .
16 On May 13th Les Aspin , the secretary of defence , proclaimed the end of the star wars era .
17 Yet the electorally oriented ultra-right 's slide in Germany had far from spelt the end of the ‘ new right ’ that emerged throughout western Europe in the past decade .
18 But his death and the mystery surrounding it spelt the end for the Church in which he had worshipped for so long .
19 When the siren signalled the end of the twenty-minute period , Ted had only three waves under his belt .
20 After a quick exchange of passes Bastin scored and the roar of the crowd had hardly subsided when the whistle signalled the end of the match .
21 And as the house playback signalled the end of the number , she picked up a pen and some scrap paper and went out to collect orders for interval food and coffee .
22 Two years after the photograph had been taken Nasser came to power in a nationalist revolution which signalled the end for the European community in Alexandria , as it did for European domination of Egyptian affairs .
23 Benjamin , however , cleaned his teeth , cupping his hand occasionally as he studied the end of the toothpick .
24 A huge window filled the end of the corridor where the tunnel turned to the right , intersecting with the boarding hatch .
25 It seemed the end of the attempt .
26 There seemed no end to the knock-on effects — the Magyar attempt to resist Vienna provoked the development of nationalism among Croats , Serbs , Roumanians and more .
27 Also on Oct. 17 the Supreme Soviet passed a decree which went a long way towards meeting other student demands , and secured an end to the protests .
28 So when the recent rains filled the gutters and left my back garden awash , I assumed an end to the ban might be at hand .
29 An air of emergency was reflected in the men busy at the large illuminated translucent plot that dominated the end of the room , at the messengers disappearing through doors and at telephones giving out their muted urgent calls .
30 Even the Euro-Communists of Marxism Today welcomed the end of the old order .
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