Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be a large " in BNC.

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1 When he 'd gone , there seemed to be a large vacuum in the café .
2 A few minutes later we drew up at a big concrete building which the officer told me was the town jail but which seemed to be a large Luftwaffe barracks .
3 It proved to be a large specimen of amber worth £3,000 .
4 Although there was a facility for central storage of information , localised filing systems were also in operation , and there appeared to be a large amount of duplication .
5 We made camp that night in a clearing in the woods , and I put up my tent in what appeared to be a large sandpit , in the vague hope that perhaps the mozzies might not like it .
6 Nestling in her belly-button was what appeared to be a large diamond .
7 Directing the building of what appeared to be a large fortification , Ross was clearly enjoying himself as he laughed and joked with the children , as perfectly at ease in these casual , unsophisticated surroundings as he was in the cosmopolitan offices of a smart City boardroom .
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