Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 The direction of a subject 's first eye movement following a question was recorded and found to be related to the type of question being asked .
2 There is minimal information about patterns of USO pressure in children with problems believed to be related to oesophagopharyngeal reflux .
3 What he asked was guidance in the matter of a young man 's death , a clean young man who handled lambs with gentleness and care , as lambs of God , and never deserved to be done to death suddenly before his time , however the love of God might have set a secure hand under him as he fell , and lifted him into light .
4 Dammit , he deserved to be reported to whatever professional body insurance investigators belonged to and if he upset her father she 'd see to it that he was .
5 It is intriguing to wonder how some of the emigrants found their way to the outlandish places in which they settled , or how Ayrshire names came to be given to spots which are amongst the most isolated on earth .
6 In any event , if great prominence came to be given to APR , many people could be misled about the comparative value of competing credit arrangements ; partly because our calculations show that small and sometimes insignificant differences in what the buyer actually has to pay for credit can make for huge and therefore misleadingly imposing differences in APR ; partly because it will tend to make longer-term borrowing look more attractive than shorter-term borrowing even when ( given that the great majority of people prefer to pay off their debts as quickly as possible ) this may not be best for people .
7 New issues and a new vocabulary bubbled to the surface of public debate , and different answers came to be given to enduring questions about who should govern and how .
8 The way in which Thomas Ken came to be appointed to his see was as unusual as the occasion of his departure .
9 It seems that the landlord of the Red Lion , called Leslie , and held up as an elegant fellow , instigated enquiries as to how such food came to be served to Johnson , and the following explanation emerged .
10 Mr Pilling says there will be an investigation into how Murray came to be sent to Springhill in the first place .
11 Insanity was , and still is , a complete defence to crime , as we saw in Chapter 6.2 above , but its confines are narrow , and some persons obviously suffering from mental disorder came to be sentenced to death for murder before 1957 .
12 It soon lost its exclusively maritime connotation and , from denoting simply work as a galley slave , came to be applied to other forms of penal servitude with hard labour .
13 However , it is also clear that in the course of the inter-war period this concern came to be accommodated to such values as taste , tact , and decency that were characteristic of the male focused professions .
14 Magistrates became so familiar with this procedure that , in some courts , the ‘ usual conditions ’ came to be attached to the granting of bail to striking miners in a way that seemed both autocratic and inevitable .
15 As a result , overtones of totality came to be attached to the word — for example , he 's altogether washed up — and the term still denotes absolute nakedness .
16 In Denmark , for instance , there were technically three classes of train travel , but first class came to be restricted to the sleeping-car stock on international trains .
17 She was so proud of herself for getting that out , grinning wildly at the other woman , that Ruth could n't subject her to more and left them for the tennis courts while they unpacked the dusty Seat that seemed to be packed to the gunnels with baskets of clothes and packages .
18 No Roman Catholic movement of the left had appeared to help Rome in its political struggles at a time when the suffrage was spreading ; in spite of a few ‘ Christian socialists ’ , Roman Catholicism still seemed to be tied to social and political conservatism .
19 It seemed to be tied to his neck .
20 One patient had disease that seemed to be confirmed to the proximal small bowel .
21 just as cliché haunted Henry 's daily journey to the train , his socks from Marks and Spencers ' , his regular nightly bedtime , his fondness for a cup of tea at ten thirty in the evening , just as he seemed to be destined to be as remorselessly English as the plane trees in the street outside or the homecoming commuters clacking through the twilight towards the village , so his one existential act ( had n't someone called it that ? ) seemed destined for suburban predictability .
22 The matron moved towards Elinor 's bed on legs that seemed to be joined to her feet without ankles : she did not walk so much as stomp .
23 But again Morse 's mind seemed to be tuned to another wave-length .
24 We found some discrepancies between care of the elderly and of younger people under the care programme approach , which seemed to be related to different modes of organizing service delivery .
25 This effect was not easily predictable , but seemed to be related to pedestrian trip routes , and the network of pedestrian flows in the city centre .
26 Most respondents showed concern at the emphasis which seemed to be given to world faiths other than Christianity .
27 This often seemed to be taken to excess and getting drunk or ‘ blind drunk ’ was described as common practice , at least within their world as they revealed it to us .
28 Her feet seemed to be rooted to the spot as she saw the pram with baby Donald in it disappear over the bank — too far away for her to stop it .
29 The key change that could be identified in all the schools visited was that of a rethink about departmental allocation , As a result of devolution , capitation seemed to be allocated to departments using criteria that were more public and in most cases fairer ; for example , a formula based on pupil and subject weightings , or a system of bidding or , inevitably , the use of last year 's figures plus an allowance for inflation .
30 The poor little bugger seemed to be attached to her .
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