Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1852 Ellerton moved to be senior curate at Brighton parish church , and to hold the evening lectureship at the chapel of ease , St Peter 's .
2 Neither the creation of the Secret Committee on the Peasant Question , however , nor the orders to Nazimov promised to be significant milestones .
3 She pretended to be busy dealing with her correspondence but she did not see the letters she appeared to be looking at .
4 It developed a power which enabled it to ‘ rate cap ’ a group of authorities whom it deemed to be high spenders .
5 The Federation of Small Businesses is asking local authorities to use the discretion available to them to offer rates relief to businesses found to be suffering hardship .
6 We tried to be real loose before the tournament .
7 ‘ It is shocking that Unionists should attempt to use bullying tactics to instill fear into staff and stop them from voicing what they believed to be genuine concerns . ’
8 What he does is to appeal to what he believed to be certain facts of human nature .
9 Wigan are hoping to negotiate a new deal with Andy Platt and also have their sights on an Australian player , believed to be Western Suburbs centre Andrew Farrar .
10 By March some 54 officers and soldiers accused of participating in the coup were in military custody , including six officers believed to be key leaders , such as Brig. -Gen .
11 The bombs from the mortar are now exploding in what we believed to be German positions in the wooded area to our front .
12 Inside , about 12 demonstrators , believed to be National Front members , were ejected by police after attempting to disrupt the meeting .
13 The pair — believed to be jobless engineer Mike Smith and his wife Pam — were arrested in Kingston , Surrey , on Saturday .
14 It was a fair enough question , and when it came to being fair Fabia endorsed that she owed him this particular explanation .
15 When police arrived they found two Englishmen who seemed to be shocked victims of an armed hold-up , said James Curtis , prosecuting .
16 Whilst this was not denied there seemed to be general confusion among teachers about the nature of ‘ multicultural education ’ and the nature of the school 's problems with respect to this issue .
17 They seemed to be personal constructions arising from his knowledge of Greek or Latin roots , and proving how clever he is with words .
18 In 1940 the United Kingdom , with no defences , faced what seemed to be certain invasion by hostile armed forces .
19 ‘ I mean , they seemed to be incompetent morons like you .
20 His eyes were fixed on someone or something at the room 's edge and Lucille , turning to see what had caught his astonished attention , saw the golden girl returning d'Alembord 's gaze with what seemed to be pure poison .
21 As she sat there , she experienced a sense of what seemed to be preternatural power .
22 Winter leavers may have contributed to the pattern of absenteeism , but overall , substantial numbers of senior pupils seemed to be irregular attenders .
23 Episodes of extinction during the past 450 million years seemed to be ecological substitutes and regrouping of better adapted species , but again as a result of retreating seas , by shifting plates and changes in climate .
24 The day had been hot ; in fact , the previous week had been very hot and so the roads and streets were paved with ridged flags of mud , hardbaked , but not so hard as to prevent their surfaces being skimmed off into dust which , in some streets of the town , seemed to be floating waist high like a mist rising from water .
25 Some mediums were found to be fraudulent but there seemed to be genuine phenomena underlying the whole business ; and it seemed to be the job of earnest doubters to come to grips with it despite its general slipperiness .
26 There seemed to be genuine concern in the question .
27 Many of the projects arose not just because they seemed to be suitable topics for academic research , but at the direct instigation of teachers or sometimes students .
28 The engravings by eighteenth-century European masters hanging nearby seemed to be suitable study material but not for display and the paintings were particularly disappointing .
29 There seemed to be Chinese food everywhere .
30 By the 1840s there seemed to be clear evidence for a sequence of development in the history of life on earth .
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