Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] be [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Karen was a magnificent bitch , but when she tried to be human she turned into a Disney puppy : trashy , vulgar and sentimental .
2 When she tried to be cheerful she ended up flustered and red-faced , clammy all over .
3 The the options seem to me , as Mr Mr said that the thing had got so convoluted and confused that the simple option seemed to be close it all down and I I would imagine that groups , other than ourselves who 've had people like me in the group who 've said why are this thing coming up again , let's close it down and have done with it .
4 He seemed to be sure he would make his price .
5 On the following day Jack still seemed to be sleep-walking his way around the course and I was not surprised when he visited the water a couple of times and eventually handed in a score of two over par .
6 When the angina patient seemed to be stable he too was transported to an ambulance to be taken to hospital so that he could rest and fully recover from his attack .
7 She spoke and understood more English than had at first appeared but it seemed to be English she had got from the Kettering children , so she was easily understood by Jacqueline who would run to her , climb on to her lap , whenever the maid sat down for a moment and stay there silent and apparently overawed .
8 After all , if you happened to be next him after dinner for ten minutes , he would get invaluable hints .
9 If he did n't get this across to her properly and she chose to be obstructive she could make so many complications that the very project could be damaged .
10 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
11 With a calm she knew to be unnatural it struck her that her life was probably at an end .
12 In 1924 Einstein had said that if the ideas , then in the air , of renouncing strict causality proved to be correct he would " rather be a cobbler , or even an employee in a gambling house , than a physicist " .
13 Now she appeared to be unconcerned what people thought .
14 He could remember how his father had said that he need bow his head to no man in Ireland , save the High Queen , and he could remember how he had laughed , and said to be sure he would call no man master , and certainly no woman either .
15 One of the older Gnomes , who had a face like a wrinkled nutcracker and bright twinkly eyes , asked would a bit of magic be of any use anywhere , because was n't magic a powerful thing when you had a difficulty , and the other Gnomes said to be sure it was .
16 It is also not surprising that there continued to be those who believed the papacy on its own incapable of reforming the Church , and that a Council was needed .
17 ‘ Well ’ and he waited to be certain he was putting it right , for she gave him scruples ‘ well , as we were saying , one is n't sure of the ruling hand any longer , so there is an inclination these days to take over oneself . ’
18 I had to be sure she would tell you only about things that happened long ago .
19 It had to be sure he was the Wizard King , after all .
20 ‘ I know how you must feel but I had to be sure you were n't another journalist out for a story . ’
21 And you had to be quick you see , because the birds sometimes used to come and stop over .
22 For there to be any who succeeded , there had to be some who failed ; there was no better without worse .
23 Since the Secret Committee on the Peasant Question no longer had to be secret it was renamed the " Main " Committee in January 1858 .
24 But I had to be careful I did n't knock her weight down too much , because her fitness could deteriorate .
25 When Matron had to be tough she kept a girl on her feet .
26 actually agreeing to that quotation , I wanted to be sure what the other figures were .
27 After 27 years at BTR 's electrical wholesaling subsidiary Newey & Eyre , 46-year-old Alan knew he had a worthwhile asset in his preserved pension and he wanted to be sure he got the best value .
28 He wanted to be sure he could return to London if he did n't like his new job .
29 I wanted to be sure I could establish myself , become ‘ somebody ’ , before I told him what I was doing .
30 I was worried about you , I wanted to be sure you were all right . ’
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