Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 She fought for the working class she fought for education she fought for everything to benefit the community she was a wonderful person !
2 Desperately she sought for something to break the enchantment of his rhythmic strokes .
3 And yet , even as determination rose within her to right the wrongs that had been done her father and to make the name of Thomas Grenfell respected again in Swansea , she was trembling with fear .
4 The Queen-Anne-style windows shining in the reflected rays of the setting sun and the outbuildings clustered round it gave the impression of a small manor house .
5 When she objected to him sharing the blame with the editor , he brushed her aside and said that without the keys a lot of information would have been kept from him .
6 There was a slight hiccup in the 1950s when a good citizen of Edinburgh objected to our bearing the arms .
7 It never occurred to her to doubt the warrior 's word .
8 There were exceptions , as when Bevin grasped at what became the Marshall Plan .
9 The soldiers grew uneasy and grumbled amongst themselves so Mandeville shouted at them to begin the search .
10 Wolves play a similar style , and at times one yearned for someone to set the ball rolling … literally .
11 So it is believable that , up to the moment when the time came for her to sign the transfer , she knew nothing of it .
12 The only movement from the reader was the lifting of the hand every now and then to turn over a page , and Mrs Phelps always felt sad when the time came for her to cross the floor and say , ‘ It 's ten to five , Matilda . ’
13 ‘ But I drove down myself to watch the match at Sutton and could n't believe what I was seeing .
14 Three Fokker Dr.I replicas made for a fascinating sight , added to which came the Great War Combat Team and a decidedly real SE.5A .
15 Major appealed to him to withdraw the threat to break off talks with the South African government [ see above ] , but at a press conference Mandela reiterated that such negotiations would cease on May 9 unless de Klerk acted to halt township violence .
16 Of about 100 prisoners who had been on hunger strike since May 1 [ see p. 38179 ] protesting at the government 's alleged failure to free all political prisoners , 17 who were still fasting began accepting food in the days after Mandela appealed to them to abandon the fast , on June 6 .
17 The mayoress appealed to them to drop the case and this is now being considered by the Crown Prosecution Service .
18 As vicar , the Rev W H Dale Chapman owned a piece of land which went down to the lake but , when he began to plan such a service , the idea came to him to follow the example of Christ and preach from a boat .
19 Christ came to its fulfil the moral law , not to destroy it .
20 I found myself lying to her , although my lies seemed to me to represent the truth as soon as I was out of Aisha 's house .
21 It seemed to he enjoying the water that somehow or other had seeped through , and I often wonder what would have happened to me if that black scorpion had indeed swung its deadly tail backwards and on to me .
22 Most of the details about Eleanor and her relations with Edward , including his attempts to subjugate Scotland , symbolically signified by his removing the Stone of Scone to London , are found in the first volume of that small classic , Agnes Strickland 's Lives of the Queens of England ( 1864 ) .
23 Instinctively she knew how to pleasure him in return , exalted when he moaned at the delicacy of her touch and begged for her to increase the pressure of her caresses , until they reached the point of no return together , their bodies joining in a union so satisfying , so complete that in that moment of culmination Gina no longer felt a separate entity .
24 When I was convalescing after that last virus , my Good Samaritans in Cotherstone arranged for me to have the Meals on Wheels service for several weeks .
25 The envoy was quoted as saying he arranged for them to share the house while they attended arms talks in Geneva in 1984 .
26 When he was notified that 200 unemployed marchers were expected from Ampthill , however , he arranged for them to occupy the Drill Hall in George Street for sleeping and feeding .
27 Police believe they 've identified the man who arranged for him to smuggle the drug and that he 's currently carrying out his business abroad .
28 If the first furrow was straight , example and actual guidance helped to persuade the ploughman who followed after him to draw the other furrows in the stetch in like manner : if the first furrow was bent nothing could prevent the others from being less than perfect also .
29 ‘ I 'm going for a walk before breakfast , ’ she said as Iris stepped past her to reach the wardrobe .
30 Lisa watched as he stepped past her to examine the Bentley , running long tanned fingers across the scratched and dented surface .
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