Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] be " in BNC.

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1 For the media clamouring for every sensational scrap of information about Kylie — good or bad — the troubles she endured during this period were mass circulation manna from heaven .
2 This creature was the nautilus and we can get an accurate idea of how it and its family lived for one species was destined , like Lingula and Neopilina , to become a living fossil .
3 The sequence of the P4 exon used as reverse primer is highly conserved in human , mouse , and bovine cDNA ( 5 , 6 , 12 ) .
4 The production cost for each box is in the region of £100 and illustrates the commitment behind the complete portfolio of presentational material .
5 The sort of criteria which we used for paradigmatic delimitation are of no help here .
6 The early sauce-boats have a French style in appearance , but this changed as English sauce-boats were made .
7 But in the light of the collapse of the Berlin Wall , which occurred after this book was completed and sent to my publishers , we have changed its title to Britain 's Defence Dilemma : An
8 The capital cost of these projects is some £100m .
9 Another argument ranged against post-accretional veneering is based on the inert gases in meteorites , particularly the carbonaceous chondrites ( section 14.5 ) which many scientists believe typify the small bodies from which much of the Earth accreted .
10 Intermixed with this division were differences which stemmed from strong commitments to domestic policies of social welfare on the one hand and the belief that Britain should pursue a world role on the other .
11 FOLLOWING the report on the Beech 18 entered in next year 's Round the World Air Race by Len Perry in last month 's News pages , Len has informed us that the Beech will not now be entered in the race due to modifications needed to meet the specification for the race detracting from the overall authenticity of the aircraft .
12 In North Wales , for example , where the factors already described in this chapter are overlaid by considerations of cultural nationalism , militant action against second home owners has ensued .
13 But caught in that web were jots of evidence that Angie quite simply lived with every day .
14 Not all the birds that Gould caught in this way were subjected to an impromptu autopsy .
15 But the best answer to the unwarranted interpretations wrested from these texts is a closer look at the very biblical passages in question .
16 The word ‘ genius ’ may be overworked , but if anyone mentioned in this book was entitled to it , it surely must be Brunel .
17 Yet , choline output remained below 10 µg/h showing that lipidic material purified from gastric juice was not of biliopancreatic origin .
18 Furthermore , the number of different sounds ( phonemes ) used in English speech is greater than the number of letters used in handwriting , adding further complexity to the recognition of speech .
19 The oligonucleotide from the PPT promoter SSB used in this study is shown in bold type in the stem-loop structure .
20 Without exception , the experiences of workers , and managers , recounted in this paper were grounded in industrial enterprises which were organized along the scientific lines just described .
21 It was the discovery by Dr Alice Stewart , for example , that the radiation from hospital X-rays given to pregnant women could increase the risk of leukaemia in their babies which contributed to severe limits being placed on their usage .
22 The other factor which contributed to this effect was his decision to become a broadcaster .
23 The space devoted to rare books was very much smaller than to the secondhand .
24 Even in a year of rigorous cost-cutting , the sums devoted to environmental improvement are substantial .
25 The proportion of our gross domestic product devoted to taxpayer-funded training is higher here than it is in Germany , the United States or Japan .
26 Farms devoted to arable crops are predominant in the eastern part of England .
27 New enhanced quality assurance ( QA ) procedures for electric submersible pumps ( ESPs ) used on Forties Echo are being implemented in a bid to extend pump run life .
28 A rapist who preyed on blonde women is starting a life sentence for the murder of Austrailian heiress Janie Shepherd 13 years ago .
29 The only wheel I found on this trip is still very much in business , grinding corn on two pairs of stones .
30 Selwyn Lloyd objected to this procedure being carried out by two peers , Kilmuir and Salisbury .
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