Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I got ta go on to next Thursday .
2 yeah , got ta go on like that i n't it ?
3 Well it 's like it 's like Julian , I got ta keep on at him to stop working because , he wants to go early anyway , but he he
5 This provided a confidence that came from getting on with the job . ’
6 Although Crawford had two safety wires attached to him , he succeeded in holding on to the car during all the filming .
7 At the fury on Eachuinn Odhar 's face he swallowed before going on with considerable courage .
8 This week she finally confessed to carrying on behind her husband 's back .
9 Jonathan Russell , 27 , fell after climbing on to the battlements to take photographs .
10 The weather was still warm and sunny , though , an Indian summer that looked like stretching on for a few more days yet .
11 A year later he collapsed from exhaustion but insisted in carrying on with eight shows a week .
12 ‘ The cast insisted on coming on behind me and , in tears , they sang the final song . ’
13 Yet it was so , for when we docked at Rangoon next morning civil evacuation had been ordered , to be completed within forty-eight hours , and the wharves were black with excited refugees , who insisted on crowding on to the boat before we could get off .
14 I think the , this is quite well illustrated by the figures on employees , where the numbers employed fell by getting on for ten percent , though our spending on employees remained about the same , partly as a result of pay increases , partly also , as a result of changes in the profile of grades of the staff at the Council , and a movement towards better staff , better paid , and then finally the saving we make each year as turnover of staff occurs , and we do n't have to pay salaries during the handover period from one person to another , that saving that has reduced because the turnover of staff has reduced .
15 Many of the captains spoke against continuing on to Naggaroth , saying that they had achieved their goal , and that the loss of life was too great to continue .
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