Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 It was also very noticeable in the United States how many American lawyers asked for assistance because they wished to refer work to an English barrister .
2 Every top lip was pulled back off the teeth , every eye was ringed round with a reddish bruising , while their cheeks cracked like tambourines as they cough , cough , coughed .
3 Figures moving through the dark halls flickered like ghosts as they passed through these moments of light .
4 Oliver 's heart beat with excitement as they stopped outside .
5 Smaller pots can be planted with single specimens to flower for months , or to be concealed and moved into place as they approach their best .
6 Knots of horsemen , as far as the eye could see , were moving along the banks of the Tay , firing the jetties that were not already broken , and two ferry boats crowded with men were in midstream on the Tay , hazed with smoke as they struck tinder into their torches .
7 Erm that in fact er whether it 's been on board accurately by the report er or not is , is a matter for er question , but it was something that they bore in mind when they where reaching their conclusion , so they believe that they have taken it into account .
8 The assembled friends were told by Brendan Bracken in tones of wonderment that Churchill — that great Francophile — had rung to bellow that he would watch them die without a qualm if they ‘ ratted on Poland as they had ratted on Czechoslovakia , ’ while Bob Boothby told them repeatedly how he had exhorted Winston to ‘ break Chamberlain and take his place ’ .
9 Not the svelte , slim , sophisticated Dietrich created by Sternberg when they both went on to Hollywood together , but a rather plump and slovenly Dietrich .
10 A lot of people wonder why I opted for hairdressing as they do n't realise how much goes into the job .
11 The two policewomen radioed for help when they got into trouble trying to deal with the fracas .
12 I PLAYED for Rangers when they last met Leeds in the quarter-final of the old Fairs Cup back in 1968 .
13 But the most exciting part came after lunch when they were allowed to pen the big presents .
14 Pausing for a moment to admire the trim lines of the expensive vehicle , she dug in her bag for her keys , then muttered in annoyance as they slid from her fingers .
15 But in them days there was n't many tourists came to Orkney for they did n't have transport , no cars .
16 The existence of the tapes came to light when they were acquired by Cable Network News , which broadcast portions of them in defiance of a court prohibition .
17 Indeed , so violent was their hatred for one another that , in a much-quoted scene , they actually came to blows when they met by chance on the railway platform at Mukden .
18 The other side 's tactics were simple : whenever outnumbered , they would run for safety , picking up whatever weapons came to hand as they went .
19 ‘ You know , I 'm getting quite used to this invisible business , ’ Mitch muttered to Maggie when they were at last settled to their table .
20 Others flared like candles as they tried to flee .
21 There were days and nights when the lovers did not see each other , and when they did they often fought , verbal arguments at first which turned into brawls as they drank .
22 Some blooms have become obstacle courses during which their visitors are pummelled by stamens and bombarded with pollen before they are able to leave .
23 The girls had got over their initial shock , and shrieked with excitement as they thrust at everything that moved .
24 The visit to Seaworld was a favourite with many children who shrieked with delight as they got a soaking from Shamu the killer whale .
25 That concern turned to heartbreak when they heard of his mother 's grim fate .
26 That concern turned to heartbreak when they heard of his mother 's grim fate .
27 They walked in the beautiful gardens of the Generalife and seemed to have the place almost to themselves , and Maggie turned to Felipe as they stood and listened to the running water .
28 Maggie commented to Charlie when they were once more outside .
29 Wimpey Homes staff from the Luton office ‘ zoo'med around Whipsnade when they took part in a special fund raising ‘ fun run ’ for charity at the beginning of June .
30 So Aaron and his sons must be cleansed , robed and their sins expiated by sacrifice before they may take office .
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