Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun sg] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 At the same time as writing down the reasons , other things came to mind which could illustrate and support those reasons , so they are jotted down too .
2 It was over as soon as it had happened , and as he turned in panic he could see that in reality she was exactly as before … except that she was looking at him now in a way that was more detached , stepping back as if to observe whatever he was going to do next .
3 Flora envied them because all the things she craved in life they could buy cheaply in the NAAFI .
4 It was dark and windy outside , and before I went to sleep I could hear a dog growling in the distance .
5 The ‘ dig ’ carried out in 1984 brought to light what could have been the main centre of administration in Anglo-Saxon times and could well have been the site for the ancient ‘ Dic Ring ’ from which Dickering got its name .
6 The nurse said of course they could use the phone , but they should have themselves looked at first .
7 He turned his head to stare at me as if he could n't at once comprehend my interest , but then , understanding , said of course I could go if I wanted to .
8 ‘ When I got home , the doctor came and said of course she could n't cook , so I was doing the cooking .
9 In this respect , recommendations by the team were subject to approval by senior county staff who sometimes had inside information which could affect the final decision .
10 With the amount of alcohol he had on board he could not be sure of playing any further conversation with Ramsbum as tactfully as he would wish .
11 The living-room was at the back of the house , overlooking the harbour , and from where he sat at table he could see right across Carrick Roads to St Just-in-Roseland .
12 Since he held by patent he could not be displaced and the work was executed by his deputy , Thomas Atkins , who turned out to be as dishonest and self-seeking as his principal .
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