Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] and [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 And then I sold that and ended up getting a Strat .
2 I swam hard and caught up with him round the corner of the old castle .
3 Ben stopped smiling and picked up his spade .
4 He must have been crouched behind a bank of snow watching him all the time as he came struggling and panting up the long slope .
5 During the last 12 months I have been very encouraged with the way you have continued to work effectively — meeting deadlines that seemed impossible and coming up with ideas for cost savings within your own departments .
6 The four set off along Brunel Road , following the tunnel wall until they passed the Labour Exchange then they veered left and picked up the road which ran alongside the river .
7 No sooner was Neil in the air than the left gun panel in the upper wing surface came loose and stuck up in the air .
8 His dazzling skills lifted them to a four-goal victory as he scored one and set up two of his striking partner Kevin Campbell 's three goals .
9 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
10 So Molly walked alone and ended up in front of another Martini painting in the Pinacoteca .
11 I wonder how many of you battled on for much longer than the allocated time or got demoralised and gave up ?
12 He swallowed hard and looked up at their faces .
13 I sat on my bed feeling like the man who got drunk and woke up in the French foreign legion .
14 Before Lesley met Alan , she had been to a party where she got drunk and ended up sleeping with someone without knowing it .
15 No , quite clearly not , so A , B , D , E , all quite happy now where we went wrong and tripped up ?
16 I had a jumper that my mum knitted that went wrong and ended up twice the size it should have been .
17 For a few minutes the prisoner enjoyed the game , but then she suddenly felt wet and sat up .
18 So maybe the Indians understood this and tipped up the raft because they were trying to kill Father Firmin ( me ! ) so that Father Antonio would survive and baptise them .
19 This he grew long and combed up , due north .
20 I suddenly felt angry and stood up .
21 ‘ Possibly because the new ventilation system I 've recently supervised being installed in a factory in one of the Arab Emirates has proved so successful that I have orders for two more , or possibly because I 've just spent four weeks at full stretch in a very hot country with very little relaxation and deserve a holiday — but more probably because I own a majority stockholding in the company I bought cheap and built up to its present eminence , which gives me the position of chairman and managing director and full autonomy in deciding what I do , where I do it and with whom . ’
22 She sounded disgusted and fed up , and the word " Jack " was blown away like fluff .
23 Within minutes he had unclipped and set up his ladder bridge and negotiated the crossing to the fire escape platform with his customary ease .
24 The reason for the puzzling way in which the structure had deformed and broken up was thereby revealed and , since the static tests had shown that the structure was not fail-safe , the separation of the stabiliser in flight was satisfactorily explained .
25 I replaced Debonair and picked up Lovedolls .
26 In 1691 the Company recognized this and set up two separate administrations , though they were run by the same governor until 1710 .
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