Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] her about the " in BNC.

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1 I tried to tell her about the horrible man on the doorstep but she would n't listen .
2 Mum was waiting up for us when we got indoors , but before she could speak Mary began telling her about the agreement she had with Albert to pay for the wedding and this took the wind out of her sails .
3 He weighed up what he needed to tell her about the shapechangers and theft of the nuclear device .
4 She 'd been close to panicking when Jeff had phoned her about the Sardinia stint .
5 To comfort her desolation and guilt Rachel had told her about the Mongolian desert , where she had been as a little girl , hardly older than Maggie was now , to look for dragons , which she called dinosaurs , and where years later Russian palaeontologists had found the great fossil eggs in which the sleeping baby dinosaurs could still be seen .
6 Mrs Moore had n't understood much of what Sister Duggan had told her about the recurrence of fluid and the aspiration that was again necessary .
7 ‘ You can get out now if you want to , ’ he said , after he had told her about the phone call to Coy .
8 Why had she nearly fainted when I had told her about the letter ?
9 Forcing her mind away from what Rune had told her about the time he 'd spent with Lotta and how the relationship had evaporated with only the bitter dregs left in evidence , she allowed it to dwell on how they 'd spent the rest of the day .
10 Amaranth had repeated enough of what Harvey had told her about the motorway to make it worthwhile telephoning his partner in Arden to make local inquiries .
11 He had told her about the cannabis bed a few days ago when they had been walking in the garden and her eyes had widened in shock .
12 She said several local residents had contacted her about the application submitted to the council by Anchor International .
13 During his lessons on seamanship , Nathan had warned her about the dangers of leaving cuts untreated .
14 See why I had to remind her about the driving license ?
15 He had to ask her about the screaming .
16 He pulled her away , and although there was a laughing expression on his face his voice was quiet as he continued to warn her about the power of the Press and how it was politic not to get up their nose whatever the provocation offered .
17 Then I had to tell her about the visit — about most of it — from Sergia and her cohorts .
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