Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] her [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 ‘ In her mind , she 'd twisted her into the daughter she and Gaston never had .
32 He 'd threatened her with the direst reprisals if she dared to leave their suite , not guessing that wild horses would n't drag her away until she 'd cleared the whole matter up .
33 Once they 'd had a conversation on two levels , from street to first-floor window ; it had been in April ; on the second occasion he 'd visited her in the afternoon , for a walk along the canal .
34 She had not merely been a housekeeper but her qualities of efficiency , cheerfulness and gastronomic expertise seemed to fit her for the task of looking after this unusual pair .
35 , so I put her out in the end it erm it was surprising everybody knew what was going to happen they knew what I was going to do right when I come back in after swi place was empty they 'd got out that door before I 'd got her out the door but erm no it 's it 's very insulting .
36 ‘ To a certain extent you 'll have free rein , ’ he 'd told her over the telephone .
37 I 'd dragged her into the storeroom and begged her to take me to London , saying my family would n't allow me to go without her .
38 He was confident he 'd brought her to the stage where he could lay her .
39 He clambered up and intercepted her at the kitchen door , enfolding her and drawing her in to his body so that his warmth flowed through to her , just as he had that day when he 'd found her on the beach , lost and afraid ; like him , a victim of the past .
40 In fact , he was the man who 'd escorted her to the door to mark the end of her first visit .
41 When he 'd left her at the entrance to Newcastle Place the day Pa died she 'd ached with disappointment that she might never see him again .
42 He 'd left her at the inn without so much as a word , and here he was , calmly indulging his hobby while she 'd had to trek after him .
43 who 'd left her in the lurch
44 We 'd left her in the car actually .
45 They 'd taken her from the police cells after two days .
46 In two long strides , Guy abandoned his leaning position by the fireplace and came to take her by the shoulders , shaking her roughly .
47 A great wind of rage seemed to blow her along the passage , flung the door open and then dropped her , becalmed , just inside it .
48 Lying there in his bed , she was suddenly beset by wild , crazy images of lying there in his arms , and , even as she tried to block them out , her body grew warm with the memory of the moment when he 'd kissed her in the make-up room .
49 She leant in and stooped to take her under the arms ; like a peach tree blighted by leafcurl , Sycorax lay tinder-dry in a narrow crescent , her body hardly filling the hammock 's web .
50 He 'd mutilated her to the point of death but — being a Buddhist — he had n't killed her .
51 His touch seemed to burn her through the thin cotton of her white blouse .
52 Though her outstanding achievement is undoubtedly the composition of the first original poetry by a woman to be published in the seventeenth century , a volume of religious verse entitled Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum ( 1611 ) , she has become notorious as a result of attempts made to identify her as the ‘ dark lady ’ of Shakespeare 's Sonnets ( 1609 ) , on the conjectural grounds of her racial colouring , musical ability , and promiscuity .
53 Arguably , Nathalie Sarraute 's career benefited enormously from Sartre 's famous preface to her first novel , Portrait d'un inconnu ( 1947 ) , which he claimed placed her in the alternative tradition of the ‘ anti-roman ’ .
54 I recall , for instance , the occasion around that time I happened to encounter her in the back corridor .
55 He turned to face her in the doorway .
56 After a few days of this treatment , Moz began to feel less threatened by his owner , and began to greet her at the gate .
57 She 's a friend of Bertice Reading , who is working at the Prince of Wales Theatre , so I arranged to meet her at the stage door at 2 o'clock .
58 I arranged to meet her in the tiny port at Tala-Tala where she was waiting for me .
59 Sheila , however , hung grimly on to it , whereupon the boy began to pull her along the path .
60 He lifted her down from the train , kissed her swiftly , then began to lead her towards the taxi rank .
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