Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Members of a Cardiff ladies ' rowing club tried to pull her out of the mud , but found the current was too fast , and the bitch ( yes , she is called Eric ! ) , too heavy .
2 Poppy dissolved into a quivering heap when staff tried to lead her out of the cage , so they suggested that I tried .
3 Najma 's family tried to talk her out of a singing career as not quite suitable for a good Muslim girl , but she persevered and in 1984 won Britain 's Asian song contest on her first public appearance .
4 No we tried to talk her out of .
5 He tried to draw her back into the circle of his arms .
6 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
7 The United States broke the unofficial cartel with Canada and tried to shoulder her out of markets .
8 He then ordered her back to the living room where he tried to rape her twice without success .
9 I tried to force her back to bed , but her fever made her surprisingly strong .
10 She glared at him , then scanned the road for anyone who might offer help if he turned nasty and tried to force her back inside the car , but , apart from an elderly woman walking an equally elderly terrier along the opposite pavement , the road was deserted .
11 He approached her outside her Oxford home and held a knife to her neck as he tried to force her in to her car .
12 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial , and so she poured it on .
13 Hell , Nick , I tried to get her out of that place , but she did n't care .
14 SEXY singer Anita Dels had to be rescued by security guards after fans tried to drag her offstage during a packed gig .
15 Constanza tried to follow her out of the hotel — as she was very very upset , my grandmother — but Constanza was too late .
16 Her question seemed to catch her more off guard than it did him , and she felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks .
17 What 's more , who 'd have believed he 'd picked her up in a wine bar ?
18 He was a young Irish American who 'd picked her up in a New York bar a week ago .
19 His tone suggested he 'd caught her out in some minor misdemeanour , Loretta thought angrily — putting penny coins in a parking meter , or dodging fares on the underground .
20 Before she 'd realised his intention , he 'd turned her deftly into his arms , pulled her with surprising gentleness against the hard warmth of his chest .
21 First he 'd whisked her away without so much as a by-your-leave , and then he had blocked her meeting with Adam .
22 He 'd sought her out in her sanctuary , confirmed her belief with the tender , arousing touch of the perfect lover , and she 'd learned enough from him to return his caresses with a woman 's intimate knowledge of how to pleasure the body of the man she loved .
23 I told Spruce a bit about Amy and Hereward 's marriage and I did mention that I 'd seen her here on Friday night and Saturday morning .
24 She 'd felt that strength when he 'd scooped her easily into his arms .
25 And after that we shipped — me and another feller , an Irish feller , a Belfast man — we shipped in an owd schooner called the Mount Blairie : it was an old thing that had been ashore at — in a little shipyard ; and they 'd done her up during the winter to give them men a job .
26 Then , deciding she was no political , just another stroppy trucker , they 'd handed her over to the locals , which was a big relief .
27 I understand it was your own stupidity in refusing to accept Silas 's ring until he 'd got her out of the house .
28 ‘ A girl as attractive as Iris Sunderby , if you 'd got her alone in your hacienda … ’
29 ‘ I did n't tell you before , because I did n't want you thinking it was n't convenient to come and stay or something , darling ! ’ she 'd told her apologetically over coffee after lunch .
30 That was all , the slightest touch of his fingers on hers , but she was reminded of that other time he had touched her , when he 'd helped her out of the pool , and now , as then , something inside her responded to his touch .
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