Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] for [pron] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Founded in 1929 by Hinrich Medau , the Medau-Schule soon became known for its own particular form of movement .
2 It would not be easy telling him to go but it was something she needed to do for her own peace of mind .
3 So they got the agreement of a local pub to use one of their rooms , and started campaigning for their own community association .
4 Her ostensible motive was that one of the defendants , not content with court security , had arranged for his own — an off-duty policeman , packing two police-issue revolvers and , said the judge , ‘ enough ammunition to send to Sarajevo ’ .
5 On the Waterfront and Rebel without a Cause had appeared in 1954 and 1955 , starring Marlon Brando and James Dean respectively , and I had fallen for them both .
6 He had come for his own ends to this island , and used it .
7 It must have been very galling for Major , when he established membership of the A-Team to write the election manifesto , that he had to choose for it those very men who are most likely to profit from his failure .
8 A farm cottage that Rose had commandeered for her own use from time to time .
9 The amount of land made available for them to purchase should be approximately equivalent to the allotments they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
10 The amount of land made available to them was , on average , less than that which they had tilled for their own subsistence under serfdom .
11 Some people had copies of public documents ( such as the agreement by the shaikhs of 1946 ) which they inherited or had copied for their own use and enjoyment .
12 This sample was provided for the project by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and was in turn drawn from a larger sample of 500 households which the Executive had used for their own survey of housing patterns in the city ( cf.
13 Along with a Chinese freelance photographer , Cavell had called for her that morning and whisked her round some of Taipei 's famous landmarks , the all-marble Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial , a colourful Buddhist temple , and the Grand Hotel with its magnificent Chinese architecture , pausing only long enough at each for the young man to take the photos that would help introduce Maria to the Taipei public , before escorting her back to the apartment and approving the outfit she planned to wear to the dinner the radio station was hosting for the rest of the local media that night .
14 One social worker who had cared for her own mother for many y ears explains below how important it is to take on the role of carer for the right reasons :
15 In their study of 41 women who had cared for their own mother before she died , Lewis and Meredith comment that to an outside observer ‘ the majority of respondents led remarkably restricted lives ’ ( Lewis and Meredith , 1988 , p. 87 ) .
16 Then , police claim , someone took a shot at them , and they had to withdraw for their own safety .
17 First came the minstrels , yelling war songs , and when they had finished they tore off their mantles and threw them down before the Empress , saying now that they had fought for her such clothes were no longer worthy of them and would she give them new ones ?
18 His father , long dead , had been a dentist , and his son had taken for his own use the old man 's inordinately large store of self-designed surgical overalls .
19 He 'd raised his arms in a gesture of possession , and , even though she 'd known it was all part of a beautifully sculpted drama , Shannon had felt a thrill deep inside , as though she too were part of the kingdom the Viking had taken for his own .
20 Ashton 's careful build-up to this climax makes Vera 's discovery of them in each other 's arms all the more poignant because she shows a child-like petulance at losing one she so longed to have for her own .
21 We had to pay for our own training in those days .
22 No well they had quite a cheap way I think they had to pay for it all themselves .
23 He had stood for them all , when he was made a hero of the Soviet Union by Stalin himself .
24 Meryl extricated a copy of the Sunday Shocker from the rack with as much nonchalance as she could muster , and hid it within the folds of her own more conservative newspaper as soon as she had paid for them both .
25 He said : ‘ It 's nice to prove people wrong , but first and foremost I wanted to win for my own satisfaction .
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