Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] into a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was n't given too long a sentence providing he agreed to go into a clinic — you know — to be dried out and cured .
2 It was blow-out , on the driver 's side , and erm , well we just lost it , the wheel was snatched out of his hand when the tyre went and the next thing we just slammed into the barrier and then got catapulted into a concrete wall ,
3 All went well until she tried to climb into a taxi after the reception at the exclusive Dorchester Club following a quiet ceremony for family and a few friends at Chelsea Register Office .
4 Last night the cricketer said the incident happened as he tried to get into a pub .
5 On the first evening the young men got drunk and tried to get into a nightclub but were refused admission .
6 A SHORT-SIGHTED burglar tried to break into an optician 's but could n't see the right way in .
7 ‘ She was out of the oxygen tent earlier- and her temperature was coming down with the antibiotics but then when she came to … she opened her eyes and suddenly seemed to go into a panic .
8 The convulsions subsided and he seemed to go into a coma .
9 She had n't taken his horse and left him when he 'd fallen into a stupor last night .
10 The viewers would just assume he 'd fallen into a cupboard and bang would go the impact of the scene .
11 ‘ I 've come to find you ! ’ he cried , struggling back to his feet ; but the words seemed to blur into a shout that was almost meaningless .
12 They stared at her as if she 'd turned into a circus freak .
13 She 'd got into a lot of trouble over many little things , for instance , her clothes in the changing room were being thrown down in a pool of water , and was soaking wet , she had to take them to matron to be dried , matron was cross .
14 He 'd got into a rut .
15 It all looked delightfully cosy , with an en-suite bathroom , but Kate backed out of the room as quickly as if she 'd walked into a pit full of rattlesnakes .
16 Suppose he needed you there to assert he 'd walked into a trap ? ’
17 I fingered Jo 's credit cards , which I 'd slipped into a trouser pocket .
18 That second time Charlie 'd pulled into a lay-by and gone to sleep at the wheel .
19 But as of , as of nineteen forty eight forty nine , if you 'd said you 'd gone into a village , right you guys we 're going into socialism , we are gon na create collective farming the peasants would have said no .
20 Well we we 're going round Conways we sa , we 'd gone into a pub for erm we had sort of granary baps did n't we ?
21 Well , at about half-seven he 'd gone into a restaurant in St Giles ‘ , Browns ; had a nice steak , with a bottle of red wine ; left at about half-nine — and was strolling down to The Randolph when he 'd met Mrs Sheila Williams , just outside the Taylorian , as she was making for the taxi-rank .
22 For a while there I thought you 'd gone into a coma .
23 James Losh , the north country reformer , later remarked that after abolition ‘ the country at large seemed to settle into a state of indifference on the subject of negro slavery ’ or at any rate to accept reformers ' own assurances that amelioration would follow from the cut-off of new labour supplies from Africa .
24 From an outer façade of imposing honey-gold limestone and carved wooden balconies they 'd stepped into a world of contrasts , the latest modern technology against the sixteenth-century splendour of Maltese architecture .
25 You only got to walk into a room , people like you , and you can talk with anyone , you understand things , but when …
26 The former is a groove or cavity which articulates with a convex process of the clypeus and the condyle is a rounded head adapted to fit into a socket placed at the lower end of the gena or postgena .
27 Soon the rain began to seep into a hole in the roof where the wind had obligingly removed a couple of slates .
28 A beady glint appeared in Manolo 's clear blue eyes as he got his first scent of blood money and began to turn into a shark .
29 Restrop was built at the very height of the great Elizabethan age , when the craft of building began to turn into an art .
30 A drama which threatened to turn into a tragedy when artistic tempers flared appears to have been resolved .
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