Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] up [prep] he " in BNC.

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1 Oh , its a pity you ever got mixed up with him .
2 I when I went , you know when I went down , do you remember I told you that I got caught up with him ?
3 Afterwards , she ventured to go up to him and say that she was my sister : to which he replied kindly — ; ‘ I can see that you are ’ .
4 I tried grinning up at him .
5 She strained to look up at him .
6 Then in a cool voice he dictated the four letters while she tried to keep up with him .
7 The King 's mail never seemed to catch up with him , and now I did n't want Charlie to find out what I had been up to until I had the chance to witness his reaction for myself .
8 Down in the valley , a great light seemed to blaze up towards him .
9 He 'd no place to live and they 'd ganged up on him .
10 With one last glance at the dogs , who mercifully ignored her , Cleo began to scramble up behind him .
11 But , as he rode , a terrible curiosity began to rise up in him and prick him like a gimlet .
12 The gossip columnists of Europe and the East Coast fought to keep up with him .
13 ‘ Have you thought of anything extra special ? ’ asked Endill when he managed to catch up with him on his way to the library .
14 Isabel lay looking up at him , her lips softly parted and moist from his kisses , eyes heavy-lidded with love and longing .
15 On the Friday Lorenzo Mendoza lost his temper with a pony that kept going up with him .
16 Then she managed to smile up at him .
17 She was breathless when she did catch up with him outside on the front doorstep .
18 Botham 's recall took many by surprise after age and injuries appeared to catch up with him in the Test series .
19 She did look up at him then , pleading with her eyes to be believed .
20 Who had gazed up at him from his adolescent girlie mags .
21 In the end I had to go up to him and bring him back to the fire .
22 Pound had known Phyllis Bottome between 1905 and 1907 , when they were fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania , and it 's not clear whether it is that early association , or a period later when she had caught up with him in London , that Phyllis Bottome had in mind when she wrote of how Pound tried to transform her as a writer from a talented amateur into a professional :
23 ‘ … if we in our own bumbling way had caught up with him ?
24 I said something to the lads , I do n't know what , like your people had caught up with him
25 Like Gwendolen before him , the hollands had caught up with him .
26 Lumberjack had looked up at him , as if for approval , his tongue dangling from his jaws .
27 Adele had looked up at him , not quickly but as quickly as she 'd been able .
28 Joanna had looked up at him , open adoration in her glowing sapphire eyes .
29 He could have stood the writing as long as she had looked up to him for guidance like one of his young workshop pupils .
30 I had come up beside him .
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