Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] up [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The normal daily routine involved getting up at around 6am and stopping for a long lunch at midday in order to avoid the most intense heat .
2 Think he really got fed up with where he lived .
3 Carson had only just put the phone down after trying to get Alison 's number from Enquiries , but as he 'd waited for his call to be taken he 'd thought of her , perhaps contemptuous of his anxiety and annoyed by his persistence , and he 'd hung up without even making his request .
4 Then one day Mark was lumbering up Parliament Hill , and Babur came running up from behind .
5 It also involved us in playing ‘ When the Saints ’ ( which we 'd resisted up to then ) for the two policemen who caught us parked on a double yellow line .
6 Group 4 comprised follow up of histologically normal biopsy specimens from five patients , previously diagnosed as having coeliac disease , who had strictly adhered to a gluten free diet .
7 you 'll you 'll be very comfortable with it and I can tell you now that 's one of the things that I got tied up with so
8 And er so times were still hard , it was n't until they , let's say until thirty ei thirty eight , that the depression finished in the coal field , when they started building up from then .
9 KINGS FOUNTAIN was last night given the clean bill of health he required to line up for tomorrow 's Mackeson Gold Cup at Cheltenham .
10 But first there was time when reading a soccer report in a Sunday newspaper meant catching up on how many people were stabbed and how many pitches were invaded .
11 Under the old system , it was possible , if a shortage of any one part occurred , to complete a large number of bodies up to the point at which this particular part was required , and even if the whole of the body shop floor eventually became taken up by partially built bodies , it was still possible to keep the body makers employed in splicing bottom sides and cantrails and fitting the pillars in position alongside the partially erected bodies .
12 The horizon had jumped up to where the sky used to be .
13 His buffaloes , some ten in number , were straggling up towards the road and he said he would leave as soon as they had grazed up to where he was sitting .
14 Last night Davidson , host of the BBC snooker game show Big Break , admitted his marriage had broken up after just three years .
15 Leeds had given up by then but it is not hard to present a case from which they , rather than City , might have ended up celebrating .
16 According to Middle East International of May 17 , the EC had come up with more generous terms in response to GCC criticism that " the EC was being too restrictive in offering trade concessions to Gulf exports of petrochemicals " .
17 It had a cast of virtual unknowns and failed to score highly in the ratings , with average viewing figures of only five million — although it had picked up in recently .
18 The chief cargo handled here was coal , and within a century the population of Goole had shot up from under 500 to 20,000 The docks are close to the centre of the town , which was largely the creation of the canal company that built the docks with their brick warehouses and harbour offices .
19 Maybe he had grown up without ever realising it .
20 He told him how much of his pay he had saved up for today , how he would personally kick him all the way back to Newmarket if he did n't win , how he was a big beautiful bastard that could n't fucking lose , could he ?
21 Why were most English towns left to grow up in more or less haphazard fashion ?
22 Also , I had sobered up by then and caused some complications by trying to stop the cheque — until my father came squealing on to the line .
23 I had sobered up by now and felt terrible .
24 An informant from Aberdeen , where the last women were still working up until the 1950s , told me that these elderly women sometimes had little to do , were regarded rather as passengers and had to put up with rather disparaging remarks , but were kept on until retirement age by the firm , which felt it had obligations towards them .
25 Others had to put up with less ideal locations , and this led to demand for the feng shui practitioner , whose skill was in improving the landscape by correct siting , ensuring that nothing took place to disturb the flows of energy .
26 The fact that the Ceauşescus had countless colour televisions added to the perverse aspect of their superabundance since ordinary Romanians had to put up with only a couple of hours of black-and-white television each day — and that largely devoted to the doings of the residents of the Palaţul Primaverii .
27 The many journalists , who had sprung up from nowhere , he 'd left to his sergeant .
28 What came was a sort of double-image — the boy I had known up to yesterday , young , grubby , entertaining , kind , lively , with his impish , monkey-plainness ; and the face I had seen last night for the first time , a face wiped clean of everything but rapture and tenderness and astonishment , a different face , a face to love and find beautiful .
29 Yes I know , you can get somebody else to do that , be there for months and they do n't turn up at once , that was erm , I did n't realize they had to turn up at once , so I was letting them throw whenever they wanted
30 literally thousands and the expenditure had , had gone up to well over a million pounds .
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