Example sentences of "[vb past] [adj] [noun] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 trembling when he made that speech when he remember when he , remember when you , you were n't there , no you were n't there he was shaking like a leaf .
2 Garrick Morgan and Warwick Waugh were well matched by the Monmouthshire pair of Tony Rees and Mike Voyle yesterday , and the experienced Rod McCall made little difference when he came on to replace Morgan .
3 He quit French football when he was banned for throwing a ball at a referee , an incident allegedly compounded when he stared into the face of each member of the disciplinary committee and called them idiots , one by one .
4 At that time it was more erm easy to get Kuwait nationality , so we have Egyptians , we have Palestinians , we have Indians , we have Pakistanis , Iranians who got Kuwaiti nationality when it all started .
5 One of America 's largest defense contractors made this discovery when it asked what information its top corporate and operating managers needed to do their jobs .
6 ‘ Edward made this tray when he was doing handcrafts in the bin , ’ she said .
7 and then when I got this sheet when I joined choir went , Oh yeah I remember
8 Town Crier Alan Booth beat 75 schoolchildren when they carried out an experiment on shouting .
9 I weighed eleven stone when I was in the Line : before I came out with that I weighed five stone ten .
10 But you sang togeth you s complemented each other when you sang well together did n't you ?
11 They retained this patch when they left the Division in Tunisia .
12 Leonor Fini underlined this concern when she painted her friend Leonora Carrington in a breastplate and sensible skirt , not a fetish object but a woman warrior and a ‘ true revolutionary ’ , released from cliches of femininity .
13 Nonetheless , he admits to editing out one joke that created some controversy when it appeared in a promotional reel earlier this year .
14 The ancestors of the famous American writer John dos Passos emigrated from here , and he visited this village when he came to the island in the 1950s .
15 He had at one stage been described as the worst farmer in Britain and RSPCA investigators found emaciated animals when they went there .
16 King drew first blood when he took the opening set 7-5 , thanks mainly to counts of 3 on the first and third ends , but Corsie 's reply was immediate : a 7-1 second-set triumph in five ends .
17 King drew first blood when he took the opening set 7-5 , thanks mainly to counts of 3 on the first and third ends , but Corsie 's reply was immediate : a 7-1 second-set triumph in five ends .
18 The probability — it can be no more , given the absence of hard evidence — is that Zuwaya used superior government when it suited them , exercised it over others when they could , and did their utmost to escape it when it threatened their property and privilege .
19 The notion took hold in Vicente at an early age and got serious reinforcement when he arrived in America from his native Spain ( by way of Paris ) and began to form lasting relationships with many other , then unknown , artists of the New York avant-garde .
20 She banged that drum when she came back , and was moving parents to centre stage while others were still thinking about what role they might have .
21 It was designed to ensure non-discrimination among members and to control fish catches , and caused little controversy when it was begun in 1970 .
22 For a few days I had even considered calling the shop Trumper and Salmon , but dropped that idea when I realised that would only tie me in with Charlie for life .
23 I had an idea that if I dropped this diaper when we unloaded our bombs , it might help some mother .
24 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
25 BJORN BORG 'S hopes of a return to his former glories received another setback when he was beaten 6–3 , 6–7 , 7–6 by Venezuela 's Nicolas Pereira in the second round of an exhibition event in Houston , writes John Parsons .
26 Middlesbrough skipper Alan Kernaghan , who faces a two-match ban , received another booking when he fouled Halsall .
27 Arsenal , without both first-choice full-backs Winterburn and Dixon through injury , suffered another setback when they lost O'Leary after 24 minutes with a hand injury .
28 In Capital , Volume 3 Marx noted this trend when he argued that the increasing size of enterprises made it impossible for them to be run by a single person .
29 But in 1984 he suffered further humiliation when he was fined £100 for an act of gross indecency with a lorry driver in a public lavatory in Reading .
30 Except ex-convent girls like me who recognised sexual tension when they saw it .
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