Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] she have [verb] " in BNC.

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31 One local woman had said she 'd had it with Petrolia , packed up her things and headed south .
32 In 1937 , she had felt she had had enough of the pernicious course of human history .
33 She really had thought she 'd heard the last of that voice .
34 When she first lost her eye , she had had trouble keeping her balance , but she had thought she had overcome that .
35 When she had thought she had felt a tug , her mind corrected .
36 Forgotten that she had thought she had seen someone moving around in the darkness .
37 There he positioned himself , trying to glimpse Dame Elizabeth 's chamber from where she had alleged she had seen the horsemen waiting in the trees .
38 When she had awoken she had felt wonderfully refreshed .
39 When the envelope had arrived she had put it on the mantelpiece in the small sitting-room , but almost at once she had decided to take it more closely into her possession .
40 Even before the fourth one had entered she had reappeared — in a flimsy thigh-high tunic of translucent Tructollean cling-silk .
41 Anne Hammond 's courageous acceptance of the cruel hand fate had dealt her had moved her far more than she would have believed possible , the more so because it only seemed to emphasise her own feeling of helplessness .
42 Whoever had struck her had come perilously close to her eye .
43 As soon as she realised what had happened she had jumped down guiltily and run home .
44 And if he continued to think she had followed him — well , what did it matter ?
45 When the initial grief of the desertion had passed she had known better than to mention her father 's name .
46 As she had dressed she 'd kept on asking herself why he had come .
47 When the evening had ended she 'd disappeared into the pub toilet and from there she 'd disappeared , full stop .
48 The one he and Julia had found at the asylum did n't seem to have too much connection with the one Theodora had mentioned she had come across at St Saviour 's .
49 She had brought herself a new swimsuit but after she had changed she 'd stared critically at herself in the mirror in the changing-room .
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