Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] he [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When by Monday lunchtime there was still no word from him , however , she tried phoning him up at MacKay Contracting — only to be told that he was unavailable .
2 She laughed rather shrilly , grabbed his hands and tried to pull him up against her .
3 Overlooking the causal nature of meaning with respect to usage leads here to obvious circularity within the formal framework however : to is first defined as necessary to support a clausal complement with no discussion of the data which contradict this postulate ( cf She helped lift him out of the bed ; You 've missed things .
4 The one who got shot in the chest when Special Branch and MIs tried to pick him up in Bayswater .
5 Gently we tried to talk him round to looking at things in another way .
6 Bob tried to talk him out of it when they were on their own , at the sandwich bar in the Gates .
7 On each occasion , he became engaged in long disputes with local reporters , some of whom tried to jostle him out of the room .
8 ‘ I tried to persuade him out of it but he would n't budge .
9 The bride , who fell in love with the former lecturer , as she helped nurse him back to health after his four-year ordeal as a captive , was radiant in a full-length , ivory raw silk dress , with a slit up the side .
10 But as for putting poison in his wine , or setting a pitfall under his feet at a hunt — no , he 'd hew off the head of any man who tried to put him up to it .
11 She tried to put him out of her mind while she drove along and had almost succeeded when she pulled up outside the surgery and saw a car standing in the yard .
12 When Swan heard that Harvey was at the Ministry of Transport , he tried to draw him out on the subject of motorways in Warwickshire , but the junior Minister in charge of roads said that this was not the time or place to discuss the subject .
13 I tried to cheer him up with memories of the last time his ankle was hurting , when we slept in a sheep herder 's cave — lined with graffiti that was centuries old — on the way from Landmannalaugar to the coast near Vik .
14 She had fought against him , tried to keep him out of her life , but was n't that because she had been afraid ?
15 Tried to argue him out of it , even suggested — very tactfully — that he saw a doctor .
16 She even tried to snatch him back from school to keep him at home .
17 Half-blinded by blood from his cuts , he put the plane into a dive and somehow managed to land the right side up — despite the appearance of a third enemy plane which tried to polish him off on the way down .
18 In 1984 his friend of many years , Liz Taylor , tried to get him back in front of the cameras and to conquer his alcoholism .
19 Bloomsbury House helped to get him off with a warning , but there was no further contact .
20 Sitting around in the sun all day , scoffing tons of ice cream is his idea of heaven , though he did get a bit miffed when Greenpeace tried to push him back into the sea .
21 That was something he would never yield up — it was his protection if the Tsar 's soldiers ever tracked him down and tried to drag him back to his regiment to be court-martialled and shot , which was what Mickey Aronson said would happen .
22 Kenna — full of hope — tried to bring him back to life by applying the magic wild herb known as moly , but the moment the juice touched the body it was turned into a snowdrop . ’
23 A spearman tried to bring him down with a lance thrust under the cuirass whilst another took a swing with a sword at the joints in the greaves on his legs .
24 Kenan 's just been granted a 6-month visa , 4 months after the Nix 's first tried to bring him out of Bosnia .
25 Kenan 's just been granted a 6-month visa , 4 months after the Nix 's first tried to bring him out of Bosnia .
26 A spokeswoman for French TV station TF1 who screened the show , said last night : ‘ Eric is very close to his grandmother , who helped to bring him up as a child .
27 I knew he 'd fought James on it tooth and nail , and though in all honesty I felt I 'd won him round to some extent since , the prejudices remained beneath the surface of benignity , waiting only for some unwary blunder on my part to crack the surface and let them burst through .
28 No he said , and I went over and I picked him up anyway , and sat him on , I sat him on my knee and I said we 'll just do some rhymes and I could feel him sort of going mm , mm , mm , like they do all pathetic and whiny , anyway Phyllis arrived and afterwards it was , by then he had calmed down and he was fine and I said wan na read the story now cos he missed it of course when he decided he could n't do without his car , so I said next week perhaps come without your car , I think I 'd won him over by the end but , it was a bit hairy .
29 ‘ He was n't as odd as you 'd made him out to be , your friend , ’ Gillian said as we left .
30 I 'd seen him around at one or two private parties given by wire service operators and gamblers .
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