Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] he [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 He conceded that it was hard on Alexander , and later came to respect him greatly for the way in which he gave Worrell his fullest support as vice-captain .
2 Mike came down yesterday morning , mind you he had been on his own quite a lot , a lot of time yesterday for the day Josh , cos I went to Altrincham with me mum at half nine and it , I 'd taken him out for a walk to make sure he 'd had his walk and Mike did n't get up till gone half two and when he come down he 'd cut a report of Lisa 's on the floor
3 Tom then howled and snatched it back and the parents intervened to tell him off for making a noise and for snatching .
4 Breaking the three-generational run of Lester Knox Colemans , his sons , Joshua and Chad , were born on 16 September 1989 , at about the same time as the DIA decided to dust him off for his next assignment .
5 Granville Again was out of form with a few niggling problems , so after talking to Michael I decided to let him down for a break then bring him back to his peak for one day — this day . ’
6 Then he was offered a place on the Work Trial scheme — a local garage offered to try him out for three weeks , without obligation , while the Employment Service continued to pay his benefit .
7 Without him , Arthur Porritt later recalled , ‘ the momentum of the movement swiftly spent itself ’ and although many had criticized him greatly for his involvement in Liberal party manoeuvrings ( which will be discussed in Chapter 9 ) , all recognized his gift of organization , something which ‘ amounted to genius ’ .
8 It was the song that Crawford 's singing teacher had prepared him well for , and the star put all his emotion into it .
9 When Mrs Funnell had visited him , she had upbraided him firmly for his deception and he , in his most plaintive voice , had said , ‘ I 'm a man , and it was either taking a decent woman or resorting to casual encounters .
10 Iain had invited him over for a meal .
11 Anthony Morris , QC , told Manchester Crown Court that Mr Foster died because he had the ‘ misfortune ’ to have been at the same secondary school as the gunman and had known him well for four years .
12 Because they had to keep him there for so damn long in this inquiry er the senate inquiry and all the stuff on the Lusitania .
13 He should have been at boarding school , but his mother , who loved him very much , had brought him home for a month or two , because she thought his health was delicate .
14 The old fear lurked at the back of his mind : suppose Lorton had set him up for Newley 's murder ?
15 NoS had mucked him about for more than a year .
16 They had no available extended family : there were Potters scattered about North Yorkshire who had not been seen since Bill 's Congregationalist parents had cast him off for unbelief .
17 I concluded from what Heather told me that Alan had taken him on for old time 's sake . ’
18 He did n't know where Victor and Masha were ; they had separated at Heathrow , some Amnesty guys had taken him off for a boozy lunch .
19 He had been thinking , as he frequently did , of pain , and of how it almost seemed as though Rogal Dorn had singled him out for special benediction even before the Primarch 's germ-plasm had been introduced into his body …
20 And what would his heart tell him about the gods , who had singled him out for this fate ?
21 She could n't go out and play with the other kids , she had to take him round for a walk
22 I stood looking him over for about a minute and then went round the room .
23 ‘ Because you ca n't face the truth that we are falling in love yet again ? ’ he suggested so calmly that she wanted to slap him hard for his change of mood .
24 It was partly for shame after all the talk and the things that the papers said , but as well as that they wanted to cut him off for good . ’
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