Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv prt] on a " in BNC.

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1 A BODY found washed up on a beach in Kent has been confirmed as that of missing Essex woman Lisa Benner .
2 The journalists claim in ‘ Ambush : The War Between The SAS and the IRA ’ that the SAS man drove a lorry identical to the ex-UDR man 's and pretended to break down on a lonely Tyrone road .
3 He had borrowed the ledger one night and read how a member of the Longford militia came galloping up on a foam-flecked horse to the doors of Carewscourt , yelling that the French and Irish had scattered Lake 's army to the four winds and that they were coming south and for everyone to flee , flee , flee if they valued their lives … .
4 I 'd also taken stock of just how deep the ravine was a yard or so to my right — on a previous visit to this rocky Brecon summit I 'd looked down on a pair of RAF Tornadoes streaking through on a high-adrenalin exercise .
5 Our reporter Clare Lafferty joined the crew of an RAF Hercules as they prepared to take off on a ’ Flight For Life ’ .
6 Nor are folk expected to doss down on a pair of planks across the bath .
7 If it 's any consolation to you I needed to check up on a patient anyway .
8 Luckily I managed to warm up on a few business trips !
9 Yep , we managed to get in alright , pretty decent seats as well , even though it meant missing out on a few pints and getting there at 1o'clock .
10 If they did set out on a journey , it was usually on business or a pilgrimage or to go to war .
11 Her mother 's was on a tray with fine china , nothing to eat , slices of lemon for the pale , scented tea she liked laid out on a glass dish like a shell .
12 Hence the study had to fall back on a proxy for measures of ill health — standardised mortality ratios ( SMRs ) or death rates from different diseases standardised by age .
13 The activists had given up on a people 's peace — and they were not yet ready to explore the possibilities of a people 's war .
14 Lucy had curled up on a pile of old throwouts in the corner of the Wardrobe department , and had pulled some of them over herself like a burrowing animal .
15 She had detoured through the town 's central square on the way home and had sat down on a bench , raising her head to the trees .
16 Just before airtime , a story had come in on a drug bust : space was hastily made for this .
17 We had come out on a broad dirt road .
18 It was as though everyone had dashed off on a far bigger , far better story than they had covered in their lives .
19 Not bad for a girl who had grown up on a council estate .
20 It was mizzling steadily , so I had lashed out on a minibus ticket , which cost more than a taxi would here .
21 Sanchia Holmes , manageress of the Framework clothes shop , said Saturday was usually their busiest day and they had missed out on a good deal of custom .
22 Barrie Lamb , chairman of the Darlington Railway Preservation Society , claimed the council had missed out on a major tourist attraction .
23 Baby Jesus was real poor , so he had to grow up on a farm and that , and when he got bigger he went round with some friends telling everyone about God , and then he died .
24 The pot was taller than a man , and a prisoner had to climb up on a table in order to extract a sample with a huge ladle .
25 Fellow student Keith Gregory responded to an advert Gedge had pinned up on a university notice board which sought an ‘ Introverted bass player , influenced by The Fall , The Chameleons , The Velvet Underground and The Sound . ’
26 The reference to the tent meant either that ‘ John Parsons ’ had written it , and was hoping to see me around , or that they had teamed up on a declared truce .
27 Sheriff Principal Robert Hay was told how Mr Watts , of Preston , Lancs , had set out on a week-end jaunt on the fatal day .
28 They had set off on a sunny morning to paddle their canoes a short distance along the Dorset coastline from the St Albans Centre , Lyme Regis .
29 He stretched and picked up the phone , but before he could dial he realised he had cut in on a conversation .
30 He reflected gloomily on the price of his ambition , because he had gone out on a limb to persuade a mistrustful and increasingly hostile Kenamun to consent to the operation he had mounted , and then he had only achieved it by linking Surere to the serial killings .
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