Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [coord] [noun sg] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the 1950s , '60s and '70s , both major political parties pursued Keynesian economic policies , deferred to the trade unions , and allowed overmanning and bureaucracy to strangle initiative .
2 I enjoyed riding and Smoke knew his way around the island very well .
3 A child in a bed nearby began to whimper and Dot wondered if not crying when you wanted to counted as being brave .
4 Sweat began to dry and strength seeped back into my limbs .
5 Slowly the train began to move and bumper met bumper , clink-clanking the length of the train .
6 He started walking and Finn followed .
7 But then they had a cycling club , at chapel , and so we tended to go Saturdays , and then I started walking and youth hostelling .
8 We have no hard evidence of the origins of language in prehistoric communities , but it seems reasonable to assume that speech preceded writing and dialogue preceded monologue .
9 When voices started rising and violence seemed inevitable , Kalchu told me that it would n't be resolved for hours and , rather than waiting around in the cold on the off-chance of getting some meat , we might as well set out for home .
10 Other pupils went climbing and pony trekking .
11 She won swimming and diving cups four years running .
12 And people who liked to walk and talk walked round and round the perimeter track in endless identical circles .
13 Even in Scotland , the huge majorities in favour of devolution once recorded steadily diminished in the opinion polls in 1978 as the Scottish economy appeared to recover and Labour regained much of the ground lost to the Nationalists .
14 Two had broken and egg-yolk oozed into the cracks of paving-stones .
15 A great lyric : Love had bloomed , love had blossomed and love had died .
16 Guinness continued to encourage and support links with the communities in which it works .
17 Mum snatched it up to see what we had got but Dad forestalled the outburst he knew was coming .
18 Mr Lamont said housing and construction had faced particular difficulties in the last two years .
19 He had lost and Labour had no hope of winning nationally .
20 The number of working days lost through industrial stoppages continued to rise and productivity to fall .
21 De Gaulle , however , was experiencing the disadvantages of over-exposure : age had withered and custom staled his infinite televisual variety .
22 The sky had darkened and thunder rolled in the west .
23 Pipkin crouched shivering and Fiver followed him aboard .
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