Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She , got to wait till they order a carpet ?
2 The battens should be screwed loosely into position and then checked to see if they present a flat vertical surface .
3 Where a practice is acquired by another firm its clients should be : ( 1 ) notified of the change ; ( 2 ) reminded of their right to instruct the solicitor of their choice ; and ( 3 ) asked to indicate whether they wish to instruct the new ( acquiring ) firm .
4 However , the trucks failed to appear and they learned that talks will be held today with the telecommunications consortium .
5 The Pretender nearly gave the game away by holding his skirts too high crossing a stream : ‘ some women whom they met reported that they had seen a very big woman , who looked like a man in woman 's clothes . ’
6 ‘ And then Crom Croich eats the hearts , ’ said the soldier , and Cathbad , who had been very busy all afternoon supervising the skinning and jointing of an ox and had been planning to serve braised ox heart for tomorrow 's midday meal , turned quite green and tried to remember if they had any salted pig left .
7 She stopped rehearsing when they reached the end of Act One .
8 Hazily , Meredith tried to recall if they 'd always looked so intensely inviting .
9 He stopped crying when they arrived at the house .
10 When they reached the prison , at Riom , and an official tried to argue that they had no authority to remove the canisters , Jacques Allier took out a pistol and levelled it wordlessly at the bureaucratic face .
11 ‘ I tried to stay but they said they were paying my contract up and I had no option .
12 The messenger ambled out and for no good reason everybody stopped talking until they heard the lock click .
13 Happily drunk they tried to whisper when they saw ‘ a body ’ already in the room .
14 As strategies go this is not a bad one at all , for at least it leaves the people involved feeling that they have some power , purpose and ( usually ) some solidarity with others .
15 ‘ I got done because they wanted a scapegoat .
16 A Washington survey , for example , showed that 38 per cent of those asked revealed that they had been a victim of a serious crime within the last year , compared to the 10 per cent revealed by police statistics .
17 Such changes would not have been inhibited necessarily by the teacher action , but none of the teachers I interviewed claimed that they had changed their methods to any great extent .
18 None of the pupils seemed to guess that they had heard the same speaker more than once .
19 Her performance was about what he 'd expected but they brushed through without anything too awful happening .
20 The waves had white caps now and they seemed to effervesce as they swept by .
21 They ate the sandwiches they 'd made before they 'd left the house , and then lay in their shelter and read two paper-backed books they 'd brought with them .
22 fell Thursday night , she got up to go to toilet during night and fell , Michael was sleeping there fortunately cos he 's working in Yorkshire and she got a pain on her elbow anyway in the morning , so he took her to hospital and she 'd fractured and they operated on her , same day , two hour operation , I have n't heard anything yet have we , we rang
23 She rejected the idea immediately : the Newleys deserved to reap as they had sowed .
24 Something for the weekend , sir , she said , stopping him just as he was about to leave with another young man — you see she 'd noticed that they had n't talked before going off together , they 'd just started kissing and were going to drag each other home without discussing anything , and they were young , really young , eighteen .
25 Then of course the girl said what she 'd done and they fetched the skull back and had no trouble after …
26 The leaders of the teams on the controls could see her , so she would n't have to mess around with semaphore and bits of thread like they 'd done when they left the Store .
27 You know mother 'd used to come back so thrilled with all these slides they 'd had and they 'd had the local doctor as well .
28 They 'd both lived with their parents near Sutton , he already in the shipping business from which he 'd retired when they came to Dynmouth , she working in her father 's estate agency , doing part-time secretarial duties and arranging the flowers in the outer office .
29 Hilda felt he was a stranger , someone she had only just met , a feeling she sometimes had when he met up with friends he 'd known before they got married .
30 I used to take them home on quite a number of occasions if I 'd known that they lived in the immediate vicinity .
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