Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [prep] [adj] month " in BNC.

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1 I stopped going after six months because I felt I 'd resolved my immediate problem , and it had become a drag and an effort , largely because I had a problem with the silences .
2 Last September he bought a camcorder which stopped working within six months .
3 But Mr Ahtisaari said that more recent checking , against the roll of Namibians who registered to vote in recent months , turned up 54 more names , and the mission expects to find that at least 20 others have been repatriated .
4 Four months : they began to move at four months , that was what the doctor had said .
5 ‘ I took extra care about everything and , after the last time , we decided to wait until three months before telling everyone . ’
6 I needed to study for several months to make a woman monster successfully .
7 For its part the Italian government agreed to convene within one month a conference of aid donors to assemble a comprehensive assistance package for Mozambique .
8 We had to wait for some months in order to get a passage and finally set oft on my birthday in January .
9 With the income from the three films he had completed in eighteen months , he had stretched himself to buy a house in Beverly Hills .
10 We combined current users and those who had stopped within 12 months for analysis in case some women had been directed to stop the pill before elective surgery .
11 Mr Reed had to wait almost a year before serious preparation for the trial began , and the trial proper did not get underway until 11 February 1991 , by which time the judge had sat through four months of preparatory hearings .
12 And then when they had come about two months old , something like that , er we used to carry them out now , into the woodlands and with the rest of the hens .
13 Made from fine-cut beef and pork , this salami is cured naturally in salt and then left to mature for three months in a controlled but draughty atmosphere .
14 They cried a lot , and Jesie Smith , appearing in the kitchen more than she had done in recent months , not only cried but wailed , nearly always when Joe was within earshot , and the substance of her wailing was , ‘ Left without a breadwinner , ’ which nearly always elicited , ‘ Oh !
15 Wilkie discussed the Camargue with M. Grimaud , whose cousin had a domaine there , asked Monique and Marie-Claire politely what they were studying and elicited more information in half-an-hour than Frederica had done in several months .
16 As the white cliffs of Dover receded and the coast of France drew near , the inimitable excitement of ‘ abroad ’ took hold of me for the first time — the only really positive emotion I had felt for twenty-six months .
17 In 1978 it had risen to 31 months , from which it has now declined a little , to 27 months in 1986 ( see Werner 1988 ) .
18 For example , in 1964 , the average age of mothers having their first child was 24 years , by 1980 it had risen by 6 months and by 1989 it stood at 25.3 .
19 Interest rates had risen in recent months as high as an annualized rate of 1,200 per cent as banks struggled to retain their funds , and the move initially froze the savings of thousands of Argentinians and also affected major corporations .
20 A girl on a health education course I once taught told me of someone she knew whose husband had died after six months of marriage .
21 The line referred to a cold the character had had for six months and ‘ could n't shake ’ .
22 He ate pork chops in tomato sauce with us that evening , and claimed it was the first good meal he had had in six months .
23 By March 1983 it had persisted for 11 months .
24 We had to fight for twelve months .
25 So , when on 8 May Acheson announced that the US would send economic and military aid to the French in Indo-China ( for Gaddis Smith , the turning point — ‘ the scales had swayed for three months and then came down hard on the side of France ) the French position was at least potentially desperate and one can not help asking whether there were any countries receiving military aid under the Mutual Defense Assistance Program , other than Vietnam , in which there were such powerful revolutionary forces and where a revolutionary war was already in progress .
26 Alexander Keith Mackenzie had followed in eighteen months .
27 The Committee made no reference to complaints from Members , although the IBA survey showed that the percentage of MPs who found the Chamber too hot rose from 9 before the experiment to 36 after it had run for four months .
28 He was uneasy about what had been going on in his absence , which had lasted for some months .
29 Though it was much less grand , it reminded her of what her mistress had called ‘ the doll 's house ’ , that little house they had rented for six months in the winter of '48 in the Piazza Pitti .
30 The central locking does n't work on the boot ; it remained unlocked for two months before Darren realised .
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