Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Angelina ! ’ shouted Oliver as he caught sight of her trim figure clad in pink cotton .
2 Sarah Morgan came in to the room like a ghost , and McLeish drew breath as he saw her .
3 ‘ What the fuck … ’ shouted McCann as he saw Hitch turn on the other two men .
4 Jess smelled gin as he grinned at her .
5 ‘ It 's all right , ’ Patrick assured Jim as he touched 120 along the straight stretch up to the crossroads outside Ramsgate , where the A253 meets the A256 .
6 Brave Oates , who was born and raised in Mellor 's Putney constituency , told Scott as he left : ‘ I may be gone for some time . ’
7 Hubert bent nails , made patterns with metal bars and suffered agonies as he struggled to lift massive weights .
8 Verse 12 says : ‘ They believed Philip as he preached the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ [ and ] they were baptised . ’
9 Exhilaration filled Roget as he thundered forward .
10 A tech murmured incantations as he stroked the wires running from this to a bone-framed screen where runes and formulae flickered ; the man 's left hand had been replaced by a baroque prosthetic voltmeter with electrode claws .
11 ‘ You wo n't need the Missile , ’ Patrick told Richie as he pushed his chair back .
12 We sign , ’ he told reporters as he arrived nearly four hours after the scheduled start of the talks .
13 A large turn-out would ‘ punch the mouths of idle prattlers and enemies of Islam and Muslims ’ , Ayatollah Ali Khamenei , successor to the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini as Iran 's spiritual guide , told reporters as he voted .
14 Then , as she watched , a light came on in one of the upper rooms , and she shifted uneasily as she recognised Luke as he came to the window and looked out .
15 Poshekhonov asked Holly as he sat down , squeezing himself over the bench .
16 ‘ What are you holding , Belinda ? ’ asked Tom as he reversed rapidly down the driveway .
17 ‘ Roger , ’ replied Duncan as he started his high-speed descent to ten thousand feet .
18 ‘ Fond of his medicine , was n't he ? ’ commented Rose as he opened the cabinet in the bathroom where a row of bottles and jars indicated Sir Thomas 's concern for his health .
19 The agony of his death confronted Jesus as he prayed in the garden of Gethsemane .
20 Tense , facing outwards , Forster , Lawton and Nell guarded Delaney as he intoned the seaman 's prayer of interment , and then committed the canvas bag to the ocean .
21 He was not a bad looker , I thought , and shook hands as he told me his name was Freddy .
22 The man , in his early 30s , was wounded in the stomach after two gunmen opened fire as he stood outside his Hazelfield Street home yesterday afternoon .
23 I put ads in the dog press , and a chap from the Isle of Wight showed interest as he 'd just lost his .
24 " I do n't think I 'll ever feel anything ever again with the region I sit on , " grinned Chuck as he continued to bounce up and down on the plank bench .
25 He poured Moselle for her , brushed fingers as he handed her the glass and looked into her eyes .
26 The words followed Thorfinn as he flung his horse away from the gates .
27 Culpeper achieved fame as he gave his name to a certain type of tripod microscope made in the early eighteenth century , but it is not at all clear that he was its inventor .
28 The men operating the windlass for the portcullis cheered Burun as he rode past and , as soon as they gave tongue , more men came out of a gate-house and joined in .
29 I followed Kalchu as he pushed his way into the line of men climbing in single file up the roughly carved , foot-sized steps , but most of the men simply scaled the slope , holding on to roots and tufts of grass .
30 By a fluke , Thomas managed to kick the ball up into the air and her eyes followed Vitor as he leapt to catch it .
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