Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] from [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The bank made shipments from Timbuktu in the Middle Ages , when African gold was at its finest . ’
2 He drew support from Serbs like Dragan Krpovic , a foreman in a power station close to the main Kosovo town of Pristina .
3 The B.C. Electric Co. sponsored a broadcast series of symphony concerts making use of famous conductors who visited Vancouver from time to time .
4 That same month , a large group of anti-Francoist guerrillas entered Spain from France through the Val d'Aran , in the Pyrenees .
5 He had worked on the optical specificity of certain enzymes ( one may remember that problems of optical activity first drew Pasteur from chemical to biological problems ) but was also devoted to music and became the music critic of a Berlin evening paper .
6 As the tsars slowly transformed Ukraine from ally into colony , later generations of Ukrainians came to agree with their national poet 's assessment of him as ‘ the unwise son ’ .
7 On the day that the som was introduced , conservative Uzbekistan closed its land border with Kirgizstan , cut telephone links and and stopped transfers from Uzbek to Kirgiz banks .
8 He dismissed protests from Friends of the Earth as ‘ scaremongering ’ .
9 This drew protests from residents of the Awlad Amira oases , which were indeed more populous but which were within easier reach of the hospital in Zawiya .
10 I watched the smoke rising from the liquid as it changed colour from red to purple and at last to green .
11 Rostov was one of a very few special exceptions to the Imperial edict which excluded commoners from access to the bi-annual treatment which was necessary for administration of the drug , but he saw no reason to apprise the Adjudicator of the fact .
12 Steven , who re-joined Rangers from Marseille in the summer , says : ‘ Pele is a very unpredictable player .
13 More generally , the cooperatively financed Electrical Development Association ( EDA ) ran joint industry advertising campaigns and provided advice from specialists in particular areas such as commercial or industrial sales .
14 The competition involved pupils from schools throughout the area competing in darts , dominoes , draughts , chess and table tennis .
15 We visited Edinburgh from time to time and one evening were invited by the Queen to a dance at Holyrood House .
16 He continued to cooperate in the exchange of books , plants and seeds and he contributed specimens from Chelsea for Linnaeus 's son , who was forming an ambitious herbarium .
17 The view that the Lord 's Day is essentially the Jewish Sabbath — a ‘ taboo ’ day — transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week found expression from time to time in medieval law and theology .
18 It is also the meeting of the cultured city dweller , who led Odysseus from undergrowth to city palace , with the savage Cyclops who wished to eat the hero in a cave .
19 In 1456 Coventry negotiated freedom from tolls in Southampton , as it had already done with another port which served it , namely Bristol .
20 The sole entertainment in the restaurant to which they went was a violinist ‘ with three strands of henna 'd hair from left to right . ’
21 It seems likely that they received support from parties within the Uí Néill territory in Ireland , even from among the Dalriadic Scots and perhaps the Picts , anxious to have the bellicose Ecgfrith replaced by a more pacific figure .
22 The bungled pit stop dropped Hill from second on Prost 's tail to fourth and , although he recovered to grab a brilliant third place behind the Frenchman , it was difficult for him to hide his disappointment .
23 The magazine — redesigned last year — received a certificate of merit in the competition which attracted entries from companies throughout the north of England .
24 The Gulf crisis caused revenues from tourism to fall by 65 per cent ( official estimate ) by December and dues from the Suez canal were down by 25 per cent compared with 1989 .
25 The clash they made on the stones below jarred Harry from head to heels , and for a moment shook the intensity of his concentration .
26 Three fire appliances brought the blaze under control as police diverted traffic from roads near the scene .
27 He photographed details from advertisements for watches and pens .
28 The Constitution also granted immunity from prosecution to members of the armed forces , police and prison services for their actions during the 1987 coups and during the period of military government up to the end of 1987 .
29 The 24 hour child protection line received referrals from members of the public in Rochdale , Bury , and Oldham .
30 It was with much sadness that we received news from Molly of the sudden death of Peggy Secord 's husband while they were in Italy .
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