Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [coord] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cut 4cm ( 1½inches ) off the ends of two of the rectangular cakes and sandwich all four cakes together with some of the buttercream , the shorter ones on top , centred widthways but aligned at one end .
2 He says the men got out , produced firearms and went to a picnic area .
3 Christopher Appleton , 18 , of Highmoor Road , Darlington , admitted burglary and asked for two offences to be considered .
4 The priests had followed one of two paths : those who took the full vows of celibacy and poverty provided the staff at the houses dedicated to training the young priests ; and those who , after their training , became associates and went into the parishes , to all intents and purposes no different from priests trained elsewhere .
5 Hari made tea and sat at the table , her hands curled around the warmth of the cup .
6 They vowed his form would improve if he quit Arsenal and returned to Glasgow .
7 This system was subsequently adopted as standard in UK registered aircraft and came to be known as the ‘ hot mike ’ system .
8 We all read books and passed on what we learnt to the others .
9 In the early Fifties she decided to branch out on her own ; she moved west and drove with her two children across America to Los Angeles , where she became a secretary in an aircraft factory and later a fashion buyer at J.C .
10 He therefore changed direction and went along the wharf .
11 Edward drew rein and waited for him to catch up — their uncle having ridden back along the line to urge the stragglers to greater effort .
12 Here , in a series of wrecked sheds , men mended cars or sat on old tyres , smoking .
13 He stopped work and sued for the money he alleged to be owing .
14 She wore it a couple of times , then her husband changed allegiance and went to another make of vintage car !
15 Like the documents issuing from central Government it listed aims and pointed to the importance of linking teaching to exploration and experience as a means of helping young people ‘ know the real world ’ .
16 But then the exhibit , the quarrel , hateful and confusing in being exposed to other eyes , changed character and became after all , evidence for the defence .
17 We watched windsurfers and waterskiers racing through the water ( and falling over ! ) , while the children built sandcastles and paddled at the water 's edge .
18 Shortly after it was purchased , the boat caught fire and sank off Dungeness .
19 In addition , the Soviet submarine Komsomolets , which caught fire and sank in the Barents Sea in 1989 , is known to contain two smashed nuclear warheads .
20 Abstractedly he fastened buttons and tucked in his shirt .
21 He quit AD and moved to Hanover Square .
22 Out of school , he read poetry and drew with chalks on the pavements of the East End .
23 Another day we hired bikes and rode through the forests , seeing the Blue Lake and the Green Lake , and William and I went to Buried Village ( where we found a nice cafe with a superb carrot cake , for which I got the recipe ) .
24 Jay played Satie and waited for when Lucy would stop shaking .
25 He went very willingly to watch Everton Football Club , and to the Parish Club where they played billiards and practised with dumbbells and a punchball , and to greyhound racing .
26 A notable illustration of this complexity even among hard-core racists was the NF official who pointed out that he had been elected by both black and white work mates , despite his well-known NF affiliation , because he fought equally hard for blacks and whites ; he claimed a liking for blacks and maintained that he played football and drank with them , although politically he supported repatriation .
27 Rob Madgwick dispossessed Wright and fired in a shot that was well saved by Stuart Burt .
28 Yet all the most unspeakably wicked men in the world , who caused havoc and lurked in dim places ready to pounce again , came surging into her mind .
29 The Government 's ill-considered attempt to prepare the populace for civil defence in the face of nuclear attack , in the pamphlet Protect and Survive , provoked derision and added to the level of anxiety .
30 I then learnt yoga and trained as a teacher .
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