Example sentences of "[coord] social [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As more and more survive and are kept alive beyond the utmost limit of working life , the economic or social function of the individual provides less and less of a motive or framework for his survival ; and when we ask Why ? we find ourselves thrown back upon purpose in a sense which is neither economic nor social nor even secular .
2 This definition is partially motivated by the recognition that factors such as the race or social class of the offender and victim , rather than the nature or actual commission of an offence , may determine whether or not there is a conviction .
3 These were analysed and a count was made of each word according to the number of times the word occurred in the conversation of the speaker and how many times in the total corpus ; also an account was made of the varies words related to the profession or social class of the speaker .
4 to preserve standards of skill and knowledge by requiring training , experience or some qualification for membership , and by fostering the exchange of knowledge between members both for the ‘ honour ’ or social respect of the members , and in the public interest ;
5 Before turning to the specifics of our analysis of the blood taboo in terms of a nature-culture opposition , however , it will be necessary first to sketch in a general historical picture of the changes which occurred in the religious and social ordering of the Jewish community in the centuries surrounding the exile , the time when these rituals , at least in their final form ( see below ) , first emerged .
6 In other words , the Conservative party , and its propertied core constituency , became interested in new forms of appeal and organization when it became apparent that the political reliability and social stability of the lower orders could no longer be ensured by traditional methods of social and political control .
7 We are also influenced by the situation in which we receive messages , by our cultural and social relationship with the participants , by what we know and what we assume the sender knows .
8 There are a number of serious weaknesses with this approach , among them being the difficulty of establishing a correct connection between technical progress and growth , and the conservative assumptions made about the economic and social behaviour of the various parties involved in any technical change .
9 We have seen the Chicago School making the important distinction between the biotic and cultural levels of human behaviour , and we have seen them attempting to combine these understandings of individual and social behaviour in the study of the ‘ natural area ’ .
10 State control and social response in the Andean world , 15th-20th centuries
11 The inhabitants of the shanty towns have frequently achieved stability and social organisation through the establishment of personal networks and voluntary associations .
12 The English were faced by the different physical conditions and social organisation of the countries which they invaded .
13 An alternative approach to the equalisation of the geographical distribution of services is to concentrate on improving the physical and social standard of the ‘ undesirable ’ neighbourhoods .
14 Viewed in perspective , the planning enthusiasm of the 1930s and 1940s represented the fusion of still vital forces of optimism and social idealism with the scientific and technocratic spirit of the twentieth century .
15 Allan Brawley is Professor of Social Work at The Pennsylvania State University where he teaches social policy and social work with the ageing .
16 Last October Lord Fraser of Carmyllie , minister of state for health and social work at the Scottish Office , announced what was described as ‘ the last of the major building blocks for full implementation of the government 's community care policy ’ — the finance for provision of community care by local authorities in the coming year .
17 The general regulation of economic and social life at the national level , and relations with other nation states , require a complex apparatus of government and administration , parties with broadly formulated aims and policies , and competition between parties ; but there is also a need for more direct and immediate means of political action , which would allow the effective expression of particular grievances and interests , counter some of the consequences of centralization and bureaucratic administration and make possible a more continuous practical participation by large numbers of citizens in determining the quality of their lives .
18 They are further charged with promoting the industrial and social life of the county and encouraging good works .
19 Its main objective is to promote the full participation of women in the political , cultural , economic and social life of the country .
20 [ that ] the library should be the centre of intellectual and social life of the school for both staff and pupils ( School M )
21 The increasing centrality of large corporations and the military in the political and social life of the United States is not in question , nor is the descriptive evidence presented by pluralists of this phenomena .
22 At the time of the 1525 lay subsidy a comparatively small group of thirty individuals ( 6 per cent of those taxed ) , who were assessed on goods valued at more than £30 , dominated the political , economic and social life of the community .
23 The CPSU pervaded almost every aspect of political , economic and social life in the Soviet Union .
24 This became the organizational , intellectual and social centre of the BUF .
25 This architectural showpiece of the Roman fortress served as the main leisure and social centre for the soldiers .
26 ‘ No longer do we as a profession support the termination of one individual to ease the discomfort and social inconvenience of the other .
27 We have frequently referred to the importance of world knowledge and social knowledge in the production and reception of discourse .
28 The relationship between society and the state has been a central concern of western political and social thought for the last four hundred years , one crucially bound up with attempts to understand and evaluate the character of new social , political , economic and intellectual forms associated with the development of a capitalist world economy .
29 One is the notion of human dignity which has come to pervade modern ethical and social thought in the West .
30 If the economic and social backwardness of the Russian metropolis itself is often invoked to justify the reforms of Peter the Great or the 1917 Revolution , the state of affairs in its vast eastern colony was inevitably much worse in many respects .
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