Example sentences of "[coord] does [vb infin] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This follows the trend of more professional models , and does give the user confidence in knowing exactly where to locate the handle , without having to fumble with the guide handles .
2 Enright has pointed out with regard to media that ‘ too much attention has been given to the possibilities of the new media supplanting the book , and far too little to the ways in which each can and does supplement the other ’ .
3 Second , the government can and does manipulate the environment , physical , economic and social , in which people live .
4 What is certain is that there is some truth in the portrait : the director of this rapturously successful English a cappella ensemble did go to Winchester and St John 's , Oxford , and does write a column about cricket .
5 And does include a question about their educational achievement ?
6 The system was complicated by the introduction at a late stage of a further provision enabling federal states to designate more than one Central Authority ; this was done on the suggestion of the German Federal Republic ( which had previously resisted the British proposal as tending to multiply Central Authorities ) to enable expression to be given to the sovereignty of the German Länder in the field of justice , and does require the applicant to identify the Land in question .
7 At the in which he is involved and does have a part in shaping : these processes will appear to him not as broad generalities , but as a collection of micro-processes , the technicalities and particularities of daily life .
8 These expressions may constitute either a promise , by which the maker of the statement intends that he should be bound , or a representation which is not intended to operate as a promise but is made with the intention and does have the effect of persuading the other party to enter into the contract .
9 For the most part this is true , but the Crown does have the direct and personal power to refuse to dissolve Parliament before the expiry of its full term and does have the power to invite a person to form a government .
10 It has its fair share of crash , bang wallop and does take a mite too long to wrap itself up , but Sneakers is very funny , hugely entertaining and always ingeniously wacky and it 's good to see that reports of Mr Redford 's celluloid ‘ death ’ have been been a touch premature and certainly exaggerated .
11 Clearly there are times when information at one level can and does guide the interpretation of a lower-level unit .
12 The design looks awkward , but feels well-balanced , and does allow the drill to be used in very confined spaces .
13 At £11.99 , it may seem expensive but does feed a lot of people .
14 I would not myself give the set preference over Abbado 's , which also has its shortcomings but does present the work with steady inspiration .
15 Placing such tasks in context does not increase success rates but does alter the pattern of incorrect responses .
16 Its remuneration in the form of wages may not be very high , but does offer a measure of security , in that wages are contractually established and regulated under existing labour laws , which means that in theory they can not be arbitrarily withdrawn or altered .
17 ECGD does not lend money to companies but does offer a number of schemes to banks to allow them to finance exports at interest rates which are often significantly below prevailing market rates .
18 The latter is , of course , unlikely to be chosen and would be extremely difficult to measure , but does emphasise the need to determine a neutral view of a procedure before attempting to measure its success .
19 On legal aid , the Committee essentially recommends the status quo , but does recommend the extension of legal aid to tribunal proceedings .
20 This peril is not subject to any special exclusions but does provide a number of problems .
21 " Englishing " sets store by faithfulness to the content and general structure of the poem ; does not oblige the translator to reproduce the prosody of the original , but does require the choice of something considered to be a metrical equivalent ; allows the translator some licence in supplying figures , metaphors , etc. , in compensation for those too deeply rooted for transplantation from the original language ; relates the translation to current notions of poetic language and form ( as , for example , Dr Johnson chose to put Horace into rhymed couplets , but C.S. Calverley , a contemporary of Tennyson , considered the " In Memoriam " stanza the most effective equivalent ) ; offers , consequently , something to be considered both as a poem from the original and as an original poem ; and attempts , in the widest sense , to place the adopted poem in the nurturing environment of the adoptive culture .
22 Charcoal is the main media in most tapwater filters , but does have a role to play actually in the tank , too .
23 Lois Lane , manageress of the Fenham Fund , has no views about the general level of futures prices for the commodities she is considering trading , but does have a view about relative price movements , in that she expects the price of kryptonite futures to rise relative to that of phlogiston futures .
24 The , the only thing that I would say Chairman is that erm planning and er er the role of planning is related amongst other things to development and every single solitary er element in development has an effect , maybe only small and it may be distant , but does have an effect on er water falling as rain and thereby on run-off .
25 Bertelli 's text is shorter , but does include a catalogue of the surviving paintings and a chronological table .
26 People do tend , I think rather superficially , to concentrate on figures and relationships between the figures , whereas what really matters is the concept behind them and I think a financier could be somebody who is awfully bad at arithmetic , but does understand the concepts .
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