Example sentences of "[coord] how he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 in the case of Dahl 's study of New Haven , the power of the mayor can only be assessed on the basis of his own particular preferences for urban development and how he managed to secure these preferences in the decision-making process .
2 Jean-Claude expected me to respect all his fads — especially the fuss and nonsense about the particular brand of coffee-beans he must have , and how he had to grind them himself , give the machine at least one hundred turns , sit comfortably .
3 ‘ Anything she had , I had too , and it was thirteen years younger , and readily available to my husband as , when , and how he liked to use it .
4 Miles had been dropping heavy hints about how difficult it was to get petrol and how he intended to use the Cortina ‘ for emergency uses only ’ .
5 Philip knew he was thinking about the swimming , the way he objected to spending all his time training and how he tried to get out of it .
6 We have argued in favour of the tenet which underlies ( vii ) , namely that it is possible to distinguish between what the writer chooses to talk about , and how he chooses to talk about it .
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