Example sentences of "[coord] how it be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I also do n't know where this is going to end , or how it 's going to end .
2 Rochester & Martin 1977 , 1979 ; Källgren , 1979 ) , the analysis of the ‘ product ’ , i.e. the printed text itself , does not involve any consideration of how the product is produced or how it is received .
3 Hunting is very complicated and most people do not know about hunting or how it is done so they do n't like it and say that it is cruel .
4 I realise that all this is a jumble , and does n't explain why my anorexia started , or how it is easing , but this is the stage I 'm at right now .
5 Now comes the second step , the act of measurement itself , the ascertaining where the electron is or how it is moving .
6 However , it soon became clear that , not only are Indian gaols so varied that to describe any one is to create a false picture , but a description of ‘ conditions ’ alone would give readers outside India little real insight into the country 's prison system or how it is experienced by inmates .
7 Indeed , it is worth emphasising that from the seller 's point of view , he is simply receiving ‘ money ’ ; he has no way of knowing when , where or how it was created .
8 We got our heads right round it , whereas before , like , half the time we was n't even bothered what was recorded or how it was done , it was always bang , get a groove , put it down and see what we can do with it later . ’
9 It literally means a rug manufactured in the Orient , and could legitimately be applied to any rug of oriental origin , regardless of its appearance or how it was made .
10 It identified the components of the bomb — not who made it or how it was put aboard Flight 103 .
11 It depends how it 's introduced and how it 's handled subsequently .
12 ‘ I hear a song and I tell my musical director what tempo I want it in , and how it 's going to end .
13 I I I I think that there is a peculiar problem here , and , and that is , that whilst I will fully agree with that judges should be kept or keep in touch with the usages and habits of modern society and how it 's changing .
14 What I meant was , have you seen any detailed accounts of the revenue from the Ships — how it arises , and how it 's paid ? "
15 Er other areas that probably worried people er i is this storage and distribution and how it 's gon na affect us and goodness knows what but I think that 's been gone into in , in great depth and I 'm sure it moves around with great safety .
16 Originally , as someone interested in medical sociology and medical law , I wanted to see how medical evidence becomes translated into appropriate legal terms in child abuse cases , and how it is balanced against other evidence ( Cavenagh , 1975 ) .
17 Burnard goes on to mention some of the skills involved : the ability to listen ( to the words but also noting volume , pitch , eye movements and related body language ) ; ability to offer free attention ( to note and accept , not analyse and interpret ) ; to suspend judgement ( to refrain from categorising as good/bad , right/wrong ) ; and to control what is said in reply and how it is said , with a facial expression which is genuine , not mechanical .
18 The similarity , such as it is , is partly a matter of form , partly a matter of function , and partly a matter of what is " said " in symbolic performance and how it is said .
19 Companies have also been asked to describe the subjects covered in training and their future needs , the way training is being carried out and how it is rated .
20 What we have not yet considered is where the body clock is and how it is adjusted by external time-cues .
21 If , however , as we have already suggested , and shall be arguing at greater length below , choices about technology and how it is applied are the subject of a conflict of interests , and thus result in bargaining , then predictions about the outcome are more uncertain .
22 This is then used to explain both why societies contain a dominant instance , and how it is determined by economic practice .
23 Heads take care to let those who are interviewed for new posts know what sort of school it is , what it believes in , how it relates to its community and how it is planned that it should develop and improve .
24 Of course , if schoolchildren are to use the library effectively they must know how it operates , how it is administered and how it is organized , but these arc only the preliminaries .
25 It depends upon how such a change is theorized and this , in turn , is related to different theoretical accounts of how the economy changes and how it is organized .
26 Depending upon each plant , where it is planted and how it is supported , this tendency can often be countered by cutting back hard , encouraging the break-out of new growth from the base — and then using a little plant ‘ psychology ’ .
27 What 's on the menu and how it is presented can make a lot of difference to their day .
28 The distinction between what a writer has to say , and how it is presented to the reader , underlies one of the earliest and most persistent concepts of style:that of style as the " dress of thought " .
29 The story makes some very profound points about the role of ritual in religion , the development of conceptual understanding , the meaning of the word " spiritual " and how it is related to religion .
30 3 the political content in Sri Lanka which determines whether or not such an aid scheme is pursued and how it is implemented ,
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