Example sentences of "[coord] because [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or because they 're built so close to the ground . ’
2 People who have a poor immune system through diseases such as Aids or because they are taking medication are also at risk .
3 Several other European countries look better than Britain , either because they are in the ERM or because they are trimming budget deficits ( or both ) .
4 Children who come into care through the courts are committed to the care of the local authority either because they are themselves offenders , or because they are the victims of offences or because they are found in need of care .
5 The structures of the two programs are different in many respects and where they are similar this is the result of coincidence only or because they are constrained by the function — no infringement of copyright .
6 This could either have been because their services were more expensive , or because they were providing more of them .
7 People were run over by trains because they would stretch themselves out on the rails for a quick nap , or because they were drunk .
8 Since only a limited number of hypotheses could be tested prospectively , other potential risk factors , such as a previous history of slow ulcer healing , were tested exploratorily either because it was not felt necessary to confirm their reported effect on healing or because they were considered to be less important to ulcer healing .
9 Probably due to the newness of our sample , this proved quite difficult to do , but by the end of the test it was getting easier , either because the sleeve was wearing in , or because we were developing the knack — you must push the sleeve right back .
10 If you are going for a job that you have never done before , either from necessity or because you are looking for a change of direction , you should take care to prepare for this question by listing all the experience and personal qualities you have which suit you for the job .
11 But , if you are one of those people who has to read a great deal — in connection with your job or because you are studying — then you will soon begin to appreciate the benefits of being able to read more quickly .
12 THERE is a sense of release about December 's stars , perhaps a feeling that the worst is behind you or because you are launching into new territory .
13 The operator may deviate from the listed procedure because it may require excessive moving about or because he is interrupted by the requirements of other tasks .
14 Whether it was because he was a lousy burglar or because he was wasting valuable brain-damaging time , I could n't tell .
15 I could n't decide whether he was doing this to make me even more relaxed , like a television warm-up man , or because he was over-excited at the prospect of getting at my polyps .
16 I 'm not doing it for monetary reward or because I 'm asked to ; I 'm doing it because I feel I have to do it .
17 I 'm not doing it for monetary reward or because I 'm asked to ; I 'm doing it because I feel I have to do it .
18 erm There 's a kind of assumption that if something , if somebody does something on a Sunday afternoon , for lack of better , something better to do or because it 's raining and golf is therefore , therefore off , that he therefore does it in a truer , sincerer way than a man who might be doing it as his career , for his income , to keep his family alive and so on .
19 A user may reject a document because it is in a language that he can not read or because it is dated .
20 When the issue has not been discussed because it is felt to be too painful to talk about or because it is considered an unsuitable topic of conversation , then there may be problems .
21 In the courts political questions may come before the judges because the matter is already in public controversy , like race or industrial relations ; or because it is claimed that a public authority has exceeded its powers ; or because the matter concerns the activities of the police ; or because the matter impinges on the individual rights of citizens , affecting their freedom or their property .
22 Secondly , because of the integration between different components of the social system of the school , an innovation introduced by a single teacher will often have repercussions in other parts of the system — perhaps because there is a need for additional resources , or for more time , or because it is predicted [ sic ] upon new pupil roles , or involves a greater degree of integration .
23 My sister ate , but I refused , not out of sacrifice nor because I was resisting temptation ( I firmly believed that meat would make me ill , as my mother said ) , but because I knew — though this formulation is the adult 's rather than the ten-year old 's — that the price of the meal was condemnation of my mother 's oddness , and I was n't having that .
24 ( And because they 're spoilt , like you , thought Jane ) .
25 And because they 're condensed , they bring a thick , creamy texture to sauces — perfect for rice and pasta dishes .
26 Fossil flowers are extremely rare because of their delicacy and because they are shortlived .
27 But badgers ' often show up better than most , and because they are endowed with stout claws on their front feet , there may be four or five distinct claw-marks showing even if the ground is too hard to reveal the rest of the print .
28 On the contrary , it is clear that some pressure groups and their campaigns are successful because they are the expressions of existing economic power , because they are lavishly financed , and because they are supported by " important " people rather than ordinary people .
29 Er and and and because they are struggling to bring forward examples it seems to me that that rather proves the point .
30 They can not tell us because they do n't know and because they are campaigning for power at any cost .
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