Example sentences of "[coord] back to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After all , there were only two ways that Harry could come on to Grace , the gangplank across from Maurice , on which Stripey lay digesting uneasily , or back to the wharf and round by the afterdeck .
2 Or back to the dealer .
3 It looks just like smalltown America — the kind of place where you could set Twin Peaks or Back To The Future 4 — but it 's bigger .
4 It looks just like smalltown America — the kind of place where you could set Twin Peaks or Back To The Future 4 — but it 's bigger .
5 I had suggested in the note that , as it was then three-fifteen , rather than their breaking camp , one of them should drive back and take me to where they were for the night and back to the village next morning .
6 If Iran , weary and broke after its war with Iraq , has waved goodbye to its proselytising days , this is a valid reason for easing it out of its isolation and back to the position in Gulf politics which , from the shah on , it has craved and which reflects the size of its population and length of its coastline .
7 Then , as some car in the street outside her hotel coughed and choked and backfired , Fabia abruptly came out of the long reverie she had fallen into , and back to the present , to realise that it was Monday morning — did she think she was going to sit there in bed all day ?
8 To move between prompts and branches of the Command Tree : use a combination of the arrowed direction keys() OR tap the Tab key to move left to right and back to the beginning again
9 Tap the Spacebar to move left to right and back to the beginning again
10 From there it 's a reach out to the far end to the wind mark , drive there and back to the beginning again .
11 I returned to the ratlines while we made an arc inshore and back to the north in 50 – 60ft ( 15 – 18m ) of water .
12 Their experience of the island became comprehensive ; they visited the south , then the east , then the north-east , then the north-west , the west and back to the south again .
13 Tremayne glanced briefly across at me and back to the road .
14 We had to go from the School to the School for two years and back to the School again , and er finally we 'd go to the Academy .
15 When the trucks paused while negotiating a particularly tricky turn , and Rain recognized where they were and that it was a good place to be , they climbed out and took a short route out of the old town and back to the hotel .
16 After about thirty seconds , I told her that she could switch the light on once more and make her way out of the cupboard and back to the hall .
17 They walked down the hill and back to the square .
18 The man turned away from her dismissively , and back to the policeman .
19 She pulled herself together and back to the subject .
20 As she finished her breathing was ragged , her eyes darting from the newsprint to stare unseeingly at the people pushing past her into the Metro and back to the newsprint again .
21 The ticket provides scheduled rail/bus travel from the airport direct to your destination — and back to the airport from anywhere in Switzerland .
22 Then he eased away from the door , and back to the desk .
23 He had spent the entire afternoon in his office , pacing from the desk to the window , from the widow to door and back to the desk again .
24 Fish have only a two-chambered heart , consisting of an atrium and a ventricle through which the blood passes on its way to the gills and back to the heart .
25 I bring up the others , cooling all the while , before we flounder over to the descent rake and back to the house .
26 Kate was peering out of the windows as they bumped their way on to a farm track and back to the house .
27 Finding the point is not easy , and the gully walls are vertical elsewhere , so if in doubt continue up and back to the source of the gullies .
28 He had pursued the errant couple from The Times party to Brighton 's only Portuguese restaurant and back to the lift in the Grand Hotel .
29 FUDGE TUNNEL , HOLY JOY and BACK TO THE PLANET are among bands confirmed to appear at London 's Smashed !
30 It has no right to be there and if you will take my advice you will tell Frank Coven to take it out of that window and back to the bank as fast as he can . ’
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