Example sentences of "[coord] on to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 said : ‘ Our main objective is to ensure we retain the business achieved by ICI when it is transferred on to Courtaulds Aerospace sites or on to a Courtaulds Aerospace product .
2 Is muck disposed of on a heap at the bottom of a field , or on to a muck trailer in the yard ?
3 It is all too common for teachers to feel so insecure in taking a class into the countryside or on to a farm that they prefer to avoid such excursions .
4 For example , a basalt flow which is moving over a dry , sandy surface is quite well-behaved and peaceful , but if the same flow were to advance on to an area of wet , boggy ground , or on to a snow-field , the water trapped beneath the lava may be heated up and turned into high-pressure steam .
5 Be prepared to have a chat , offer a cup of tea or biscuit or to help people to the toilet or on to a commode .
6 Again in the case of Trieste , Dell'Aqua describes how patients , painters , doctors , nurses and students built a blue horse — the Marco Cavallo — which led a joyful procession of about 6,000 patients through the town , and on to a celebration of the emptying of the first ward , held at a local primary school .
7 I try to sleep , but can not , and go for a walk along the shore and on to a ridge from where Sør-Fugløya is thrown into relief by the blinding sun .
8 I walked out of the sea and on to a beach , where there was no sign of any people or houses .
9 The image in Figure 5.12 of an inlaid Islamic brass ewer is formed by X-rays passing through the ewer and on to a sheet of film beneath it .
10 They must have walked for at least three miles and eventually came out of the wood and on to a pathway which led to a crossroads .
11 Turn left past the junction and on to a path .
12 Jim still carries the scars of his Carry Ons — he fell off the camel he was supposed to be riding and his left arm was badly broken during the making of Doctor , when he had to ride a hospital trolley down a flight of stairs , through a plate-glass window and on to a table .
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